Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I sat in the back sit of the car and I could see tears run down Lalita's face as I blew her a kiss, leaving her was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my entire life.Her letter was hugged by my arms as I forced myself not to open it until I got there.

A very manly tear travelled down to my cheek at the thought of her still crying all by herself.My mum could see me through the mirror.

"It's OK Chris, you'll see her soon", she smiled at me.

Another tear slid down my cheek, this was the first time I have cried every since  my father died.But I guess it's hard leaving someone you love as well as when they leave you.Gosh my heart ached.  

I stared at the windshield the whole time, trying to keep my feeling intact.We drove until the saddest light of all appeared.Sunset.

After 5 and a half hours we finally arrived at the University, the building was 3 stories and made with red bricks.I stepped out of the car and scanned the thousands of students walking around and saying goodbye to their friends and family.

I turned around to find my mum was still in the car, looking as sad as sad puppy.I walked over to her leaned against her rolled down window.

"I'm going to miss you baby boy", she said moving her hands to squish my cheeks.

I chuckled, "Mum I'm not a baby anymore, I'll be fine", I assured her.

"You'll always be my baby honey, remember call me anytime if you need anything at all" she said and I could see tears in her eyes.

I helped her out of the car and she helped me get my suitcases out.I gave her one last hug and started walking forward to my future.I felt like a baby bird leaving it's, mother's nest.

Enhaling a deep breathe I stepped into the hallway, people were bumping into to each other and rushing everywhere in different directions.I turned to find my way to campus and accidentaly bumped into this giant guy who nearly knocked me down, he looked as if he was on steroids.My suitcases were scattered everywhere and the giant guy helped me steady the suitcases.

"Sorry man", he said pulling me up as if I was a twig.

"It's all good", I said.

"You new here?", he asked me.

"Yea,I'm Chris", I said holding my hand out.

"Nice to meet you dude, I'm Brax", he said crushing my hand bones.

We talked for a couple of minutes and I discovered he was sharing a cabin with me and another guy named Zane.With the help of Brax I found my way to the cabin.

I stopped before entering, there were three beds in the room and three wardrobes.It was pretty cosy.I entered the cabin and threw myself onto my bed.I felt Lalita's letter at the back of my pocket.I laid my head back so I could see the pearl white ceiling.

I ripped opening the letter and found Lalita's neat writing.The letter read:

To  My Darling Chris

I know that you are opening the letter when I told you too, so thanks baby.Because I know you so well, I know that you are having trouble getting around but I hope you find your way around pretty soon.I wish I could be there to help you. 

If you looked inside the envelope I put a bracelet in there-and don't worry it's pretty manly- just like the ring you gave me I hope it some how connects you to me.I absolutely can't wait till you come back, my heart is aching at this very moment you are reading this.

Whatever you do don't you dare forget to ring me, text me , email me or send a letter to me.

I can go hours without thinking about you, days without seeing you but not a second goes by I won't think of how much I love you.

I'll see you soon then? 

Forever Yours Lalita xoxo 

I slipped the black bracelet on and lightly kissed it. "See you soon then", I whispered.

I heard chuckles and quickly looked up to find Brax and the guy that must have been Zane looking at me in amusement.

"Well, she groomed you well", Zane laughed and walked over to me."I'm Zane".

I shook his hand and I was a bit embarrassed with that start but Brax helped by saying, "At least you have found love dude, we are still looking for it".

Zane made a pffft noise telling me that he didn't care about love.

"Now all you have to do is to try and avoid the hot chicks. And trust me man its gonna be hard", Brax continued.

Brax and Zane had been going to this university for more than 1 year and they were really liking it.It was good to know that I had made friends with some people who had experience.I used to tell myself I was very muscular but comparing myself with them was like comparing a mouse to a lion.

From what I've had from them they were the type of guys who were players and only looked for one thing from girls.Of course they were d!ckheads for that.In the back of my head I knew they weren't the right friends for me but it's a start.

{Lalita's POV}

I ran straight into my bedroom as soon as I couldn't see Chris's car.I tasted the my salty tears as the slipped through my closed lips.My back was against the door, my sobbing the only thing that could be heard in this empty house.My titled my head forward, saw my bloodshot eyes puffed up and Chris's favourite white tear shirt drowned by my tears.

I pulled out Chris's letter that was tugged in my bra, a smile appeared in my face as I noticed he had put a love heart above the i  in my name.My hands ripped opened the letter and the first three lines made me cry even more.

To My Darling Lalita

It starts in my toes and I crinkle my noes where ever it goes I'll always know, that you make me smile.I love you so much baby xoxo

Please stop crying I'll be back soon to cuddle you when you cry about that stupid Bob Marley documentary.Do you remember that time I asked you to be my girlfriend? Well...that was the best day of my life and I'll remember that forever.

Please try not to think too much about me that it will stop your daily life, no matter what happens I will always be yours and you will always be mine.One more thing don't you cheat on me with Channing Tatum while I'm away OK?

I love you with the atrium and the ventricle of my heart ;)

I'll see you soon beautiful.

From Chris xoxoxo 

With both of hands I held the letter against chest, I'm going to miss him so much.I was actually worried that all the girls would be on to him because he is really attractive and he might find someone better than me.

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