Chapter Two

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"Never let them take the light behind your eyes"

Gerard hated Saturday, it was a night for partying and socialising and, having no friends it was understandably the lonliest time of the week.  He sat at a crowded bar, hemmed in by people drinking and enjoying themselves, chatting to their friends and shouting to be heard above the loud rock music. He had been there for a few hours, watching the glow-in-the-dark arms on the clock slowly creep towards morning, he figured being out was better then sitting in his apartment suffocating in his own isolation. At least here he would be distracted by the lights and activity enough to keep him from doing anything stupid. He tipped the remains of his beer down his throat, savouring its cold taste on his tounge, it was one of many so far that night. Gerard knew his drinking was getting out of control, he knew he shouldn't try to fill the emptiness in his life with alcohol, but he didn't know how to stop or even if he wanted to. However tonight, it didn't seem to be having the desired effect. His vision was as clear as ever and his thoughts were still sharp edged and sober. Frustrated and anxious, Gerard had no idea how to handle his feelings if he couldn't get drunk. The  blaring music and the raucous laughter started to press on his nerves, scared he would faint again like earlier that week, he made a quick exit.

Stepping out into the car park, Gerard shivered slightly in the night air. He immediately felt better away from the noise and took a deep breath of the cold air, looking up at the distant pinpricks of stars that littered the sky. Looking around he caught sight of a skinny man in the shadow of the building. He was wearing a smart but gaudy suit, wrists and neck covered by wearable glow-sticks, lighting up vibrant tattoos. Also strung from his neck was a cord that attached to a tray at his waist. Gerard turned the other way, uneasy, he didn't like the type of people that hung around outside nightclubs. Too late. The man had seen him.

"Hey!" said the man, sniffing heavily as if he had a cold  "Want a blow pop?"

Gerard turned around to face the man, who stepped forward into the orange light of a streetlamp. " a what?"  he replied in confusion.

"Oh..A blow pop. It's like a lolly but it has bubble-gum in the inside"  continued the man,  picking one off his tray and twiddling it between a finger and thumb.

Looking at the mans wide doe-like eyes and dark hair, shaved at one side leaving a single stands to curl by his chin, Gerard smiled slightly and decided to humour him. "Uh..okay, sure"

The man looked relived. "Cherry, apple, watermelon or grape?" he rattled off the list as if he had said it many times before.

"Grape" decided Gerard quickly, moving closer to the man to choose one from the tray. He reached for one at the same time as the man did, their fingers brushing. Gerard pulled back his hand swiftly, surprised at the warmth of the man's fingers against his freezing skin. The man looked startled at Gerard's slightly extreme reaction, but quickly concealed it. He grabbed the blow-pop and held it out to Gerard "That's one pound" said the man, glancing up into Gerard's nervous eyes.  Gerard handed his the coin and the man gave him the sweet. Gerard noticed that the mans eyes where wet and reddened as if  he had been...crying? The man sniffed again and muttered "thanks" before quickly heading back towards the entrance of the club. 

As the strange man rounded the corner, Gerard called out to him, suddenly panicked that he was being left alone again and the small man with the strangly beautiful smile was leaving. The man backtracked so he could see Gerard from around the corner.

"What?" he said quietly.

"um have you got any.." Gerard paused, unsure what to say

Thankfully he man finished his sentence for him, grinning slightly  "Smokes?"

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