Chapter Eleven

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I can't control myself because I don't know how, but they love me for it honestly... 

The single streetlamp that lit the lonely hill flickered gently as it died, going out with a faint electrical buzz, leaving the park dark and quiet. Animals went about their nightly business, rustling in the bushes. An owl perched high in the branches of an ancient oak, sitting as a silent sentinel to the boy who lay on the grass below, the life leaking from his body.

Gerard knelt by Frank, holding his cold hand and squeezing it tightly. Every now and again Frank would gasp in agony, his spine arching, limbs writhing as a wave hit him, before becoming limp again. Gerard had never taken any first aid classes, had never listened to the gun emergency practise at school. All he knew was Frank was going to die, and the only person there to help him was him. Stupid Gerard, the weird recluse with a skin problem.

He had discovered pretty quickly that there was no exit wound and the bullet was lodged somewhere deep inside the boys chest. He hoped that it had not grazed anything important, but by the sound of Franks ragged, laboured breathing, it might have punctured a lung. Blood dribbled from the wound as Gerard pulled Frank's shirt off, bunching it up and holding it against the hole, applying as much pressure as he dared. It wasn't long before the smell of the scarlet liquid reached his nose, making his eyes dilate, his mouth water and teeth ache. He shook his head, trying to clear it, rocking back and forth on his knees to stave off panic. He couldn't deal with this now.

Gerard looked up into the sky, staring at the tiny luminescent dots that filled the inky blackness, wishing on the stars that Frank would be okay. He shivered perhaps he should try 911, why hadn't he thought of that already? Taking out his phone, he dialled the number with shaking fingers. "Hello? Emergency Services, how can I help you?" said a calm voice. Gerard couldn't speak, suddenly becoming paralysed. "Hello? What do you require?" repeated the woman again. Gerard's body convulsed in a violent tremor as a ripple of blood lust screamed though his brain. He hung up. He couldn't explain what had happened, let alone where they were. Another quiver wracked his frame. Maybe he could help Frank, maybe... he paused. This wasn't his idea, it was the blood talking.  Who had he been kidding? He couldn't control himself, the primal urge that ripped at his soul was something he could never hope to master. Even for Frank.

Removing Frank's soaked shirt, he leaned forward and placed his lips around the seeping wound, biting down to anchor his place and then creating a seal with his lips. Frank groaned and attempted to take a deep breath, resulting in a wheezing cough. Gerard began to suck, pulling the blood from the wound, its taste tinted with gun smoke. Frank's eyes snapped open and he squirmed, moaning in agony, his movements becoming frantic as he discovered what was happening. He managed to sit up, kicking Gerard off. Gerard moved away, having had blood earlier he could still exercise some degree of lucid thought. Frank coughed violently, the hacking noise quickly turning into dry gagging.  He looked down at his wound which had gone from a bright red to a dark crimson black and was accompanied by two new perfectly symmetrical holes. He looked at Gerard, mouth  covered in blood and watched in shock as he spat a small pellet of metal onto his palm.

The bullet. Gerard has removed the bullet. With his mouth. "H..How..did.." he began before darkness began to speckle his vision and he fainted. Gerard watched Frank's eyes roll backward and moved to catch him as his body relaxed. He picked the small man up, cradling him against his chest and made his way back to Frank's apartment.

He put Frank down gently on the sofa, pulling a blanket up over his body, concerned as he shivered in a cold sweat. He knew what he must do to make things right. This couldn't go on any longer, not after that woman, Ray...and now Frank. He turned to study his beautiful face and he opened to door, hoping against hope that his lung was not punctured and he would be okay. He needed to hand himself in.


"Okay. Let me get this straight. This guy shot your boyfriend at point blank range, but he's okay."  the detective raised his eyebrows. "You think you killed his brother but you don't know where the body is. The only thing you're absolutely sure about is that you killed her" he lifted up a picture of the woman with the red handbag.


"Look. You're a nice kid, you've got no record, no bad raps, nothing. It's like you don't even exist."

"I did it." Gerard said as he leaned forward

"Okay. What did you.."

Gerard interrupted "You guys have the body right?"

"Yeah. We have the body. How did you kill her?"

"Okay, the truth is I don't remember exactly."

"So how do you know you did it?"

"I can't explain. I just know it was me" The detective gathered up his files and stood up, tutting to himself. "Wait, you're not going to arrest me?"

"No. I'm not. But I am going to check on your boyfriend"

"Look. If you want to help him. You'll have to arrest me." Gerard raised his voice.

"No evidence, and you can't remember what you did. Most people that confess to a crime and can't tell the cops anything about it, are innocent. They didn't do it." Gerard gave the man a hard stare. "Come back when you remember what happened."

Gerard jumped up, knocking the file from the detectives hand. Dozens of photos flew out, littering the investigation table. Gerard picked one up. It showed a skeleton, encrusted in fried skin in grisly detail. "She was burned?" he looked up at the detective who seemed flustered.  

"Go home." he pulled the photo from Gerard's hands.

"After sunrise?" Gerard's eyes were desperate. The detective just stared at him before kicking him from the station.


Back at Frank's flat. Gerard got to work, plastering the windows  with black tarpaulin and gaffer tape, sealing every crack.

"What are you doing?" Frank groaned, still sprawled on the sofa, blood dripping onto the leather.

"Promise me you won't leave this room" Gerard warned, scared.

"What?" Frank rubbed his head, hair plastered to his forehead with sweat.

"You have to stay in here."


"I..." he paused and swallowed hard. "I may have infected you."

Frank frowned before turning over, facing his back to Gerard. "I don't believe you."

"Hey!" Gerard said, trying to turn Frank back to face him. "You have to stay in here!" he raised his voice.

"Don't...yell at me" Frank moaned, giving a weak attempt at pushing Gerard off. "What is wrong with you" he complained.

"I'm sorry. Just...Just ahh... promise me you'll stay in here." Gerard shrugged on a jacket

"Where are you going?" Frank blinked slowly and then followed the question with another "Did you kill that kids friend?" he voice was laced with suspicion and mistrust.

Gerard turned his head, his eyes glowing slightly in the darkness, watching Frank. His body already seemed frail, his skin a pearlescent white.  He slammed the door behind him.

What had he done?

Our Dwindling Night (A Vampire Gerard/Frerard Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now