Chapter Three

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Will it wash away this jet black feeling?

Gerard couldn't seem to get Frank out of his head. The short man with the scruffy black hair and contagious grin seemed to have done something to him. He had spent the Sunday alone in his apartment, listening to the daytime rush of traffic and pedestrians outside, usually the noise would make him sad, but now with Frank in his thoughts, nothing seemed as dark as it was before.

He was walking home from his shift the following Monday, smiling to himself when a hunger pang hit him harder then ever before. The pain in his stomach had been growing gradually all week and never seemed to abate even when he ate so much he vomited. This bolt of pain seared though him, causing him to stop, double over and gasp, clutching his belly. Looking up to see if there was anyone witness to his episode, he caught sight of a corner shop on the other side of the road. Lit with orange light was its sign- CHOICE MEATS, CUT TO ORDER. Swallowing hard, he quickly staggered to the shop, not thinking rationally anymore, only of what could possibly lift his terrible agony.

It was quiet in the shop, the only sound was the hum of refrigerators. Gerard made his way slowly to the counter where a man stood, hard muscled and baring an array of tattoos. Quietly and without explanation his ordered what he needed. The man raised his eyebrows slightly at the request but didn't say a word. He went to the chopping board and jammed his gutting knife into a hunk of scarlet meat, letting the blood he had freed flow into a polystyrene cup. He then went over to the side and made a coffee and then handed both to Gerard.

Outside, Gerard immediately went to a bin and poured the steaming coffee into it. He then removed the plastic lid on the cup of animal blood and poured the thick liquid into the coffee cup that had a colourful and non-suspicious branded label. His hands shook violently as he did so, and every so often he let out a little gasp as a fresh wave of pain hit his frail body.  Before drinking, he looked skyward and thought of Frank again, hoping that he was okay. He put the cup to his lips and downed the blood in fast gulps. At first his gag reflex kicked in, making his stomach convulse, but as soon as the warm liquid hit his dry throat and its warm coppery taste smothered his tounge, his body couldn't get enough. Suddenly the blood became his world and he clutched the cup like a starving man, taking large mouthfuls and closing his eyes in bliss. Barley managing to bring himself back from the frenzy, he pulled the drink away from his lips. He stood there by the bin for a few moments, savouring the remnants in his mouth and realising that for the first time that week, the pain was gone. 

Scared by his actions and their strange consequences, Gerard walked down the street and entered a DVD exchange store to pass the time until morning. He browsed the shelves of tattered cases until one caught his eye. It showed a picture of a black bat silhouette on a brilliant red background, its title stated "Vampire!" in bold gothic font. Suddenly aware of the cup in his hand containing blood, Gerard attempted to wipe the residue from around the lid and then quickly touched around his lips to remove any dark evidence. Glancing around nervously he saw a little boy, around 4 or 5, peeking around the shelves at him with an innocent grin. Gerard stared at the child, startled and swallowed slowly.  He self consciously wiped his mouth again, keeping eye contact with the boy until his mother came and led him away, giving Gerard an anxious glare.


Later that night, he watched the "Vampire!" DVD that he had brought from the exchange. He knew it was a silly idea, but he couldn't seem to help himself, plagued by What if?..." And anyway, he had always been a fan of horror movie. He sat on his threadbare sofa, surrounded by empty food packets, and stared at his TV with fervent interest. The Vampire snarled and plunged towards the hunter, eyes wide and laughably fake fangs protruding. The hunter quickly pulled out a small gilded cross and touched it to the vampires forehead. The moment it made contact the creatures pale skin burned and he recoiled in agony, clasping his head, screaming "What have you done to me!!" Before turning round to face the camera and revealing a deep, cross shaped wound.

Frowning and pausing the old DVD as the vampire made a break-neck jump from the second floor, he trudged into his tiny bathroom. Clicking the tube light over the mirror on, he opened his mouth and tested his canines on his thumb for sharpness. Nothing out of the ordinary. Then he remembered something, and slid the bathroom cabinet draw open. Rifling around though junk, he finally found what he was looking for, a tiny wooden cross with silver pointed ends. Spinning between his finger and thumb he toyed with the idea and then hesitantly brought it to his forehead and pressed it to his skin. Gerard waited a few minutes to see if anything would happen and then took it away from his face. He gazed at the cross in his hand and then broke out in laughter, What had he been thinking? and threw the cross haphazardly back into the draw and slammed it shut with his hip as he left the room.

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