Chapter Eighteen

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O how wrong we where to think immortality meant never dying...

Gerard felt better out in the night air, surrounded by stars. For the first time in a long time, everything was okay, despite it being a mess. Frank was safe, they were both alive and he loved  him, something he thought he, the loner hiding from the sun, would ever be capable of. The thought of killing someone no longer held the guilt it had a few nights ago. Gerard had pushed past the fact he was extinguishing a life, and thought of it now as nothing more then getting a drink. He didn't know if that was better or worse. He took a deep breath in, searching for the slightest scent of life in the barren wasteland that was the outskirts of the city. There. He caught the smell, faint, but manageable. Gerard began to make his way towards his prey.


Frank sat in the sitting room, fighting the anxiety clawing at his fragile mind. "It'll be okay. Gerard will be back soon" he kept telling himself over and over again in his head.  He knew he was safe, Mikey didn't scare him, not after he had opened up to him the way he did last night. But in truth, Frank wasn't all okay with his new symptoms. The intrusive thoughts, the cravings, the strange changes to his body... he didn't like being alone to consider what the illness was slowly turning him into. He missed the sunlight most of all, missed getting up to watch it rise and enjoying the warmth it gave. But he was happy to have Gerard, he would do anything to stay with him and if that meant enduring this virus that inspired the myth of the vampire, then so be it. 

About half an hour passed until Mikey stirred, appearing at the doorway and peering at Frank though the darkness.

"Dude, switch a light on will you?" he complained jokingly

"I like being in the dark" Frank defended, the darkness covered up the empty room around him, making him feel less alone.

"Where's Gerard?" questioned Mikey, dropping the subject of the light quickly as he glanced around


"He left? I thought I told you..." he cursed "he'll get caught!"

"It's fine, no one will see him, its night and he's quiet"

"Shit" Mikey cursed again "When did he leave?"

"About half an hour ago?" Frank estimated

Mikey disappeared without another word. Frank listened to him charge up the stairs and rummage around frantically in his room before storming back down again. Frank got up to see what he was doing. Mikey stood in the hallway, shrugging on a long black trench coat, pockets heavy with something.

"What are you doing?" Frank asked uneasily

"Never you mind" Mikey wiped the dirt off his ever present sunglasses before opening the door and walking out into the night, leaving Frank completely and utterly alone in the silent house, bewildered and scared.


Gerard found the source of the smell, an expensive looking tent set up in a wooded grove. He moved forward, treading lightly on the ground littered with pine needles. The people inside, a man and a woman, where sound asleep. Gerard stopped a while and listened to their soft rhythmic breathing soon to be silenced forever. Slowly, he worked his way towards them until he was standing right beside the tent, a silent predator.

When the moment was right, Gerard dived forward, ripping the fabric of the tent apart to access the people within. Letting his instincts drive, he hit the woman hard on the head, knocking her out cold, leaving only the man to defend both of them. He was in his mid twenties, physically fit and in the prime of his health. Gerard wouldn't have normally stood a chance against him, not in his malnourished, weak state, but his night vision and teeth gave him the advantage. The man swung a punch towards Gerard throat, attempting to wind him, but Gerard caught his fist in mid-swing. The guy stared in shock at Gerard, who's eyes were fully dilated and glowing in the darkness. Gerard let out a low growl as his fingers felt the pulse in the mans wrist. He could almost see  the warm blood flowing beneath his skin.

"What the-" The guy didn't have a chance to finish his exclamation of surprise and confusion before Gerard had sunk his sharp canines into his throat, tapping the major artery and taking huge gulps of the blood within. The pleasure of the thick, sweet liquid coursing down his  burning throat was insurmountable. Gerard groaned despite himself as he sucked the man dry, holding him up as his body went limp and the life dimmed in his eyes.


Frank was scared. Where had Mikey gone? What was taking Gerard so long? He paced the living room anxiously. He decided to explore the house to distract himself. He walked around the decaying rooms uneasily, finding nothing but a grimy kitchen and a few space bedroom, failing at keeping his worry at bay. After a few minutes he found himself standing in front of Mikey's door. He pushed it, expecting the resistance of a deadbolt, but instead it moved with a creak.

In his haste, Mikey had forgotten to lock his door.

Slowly, he pushed the door harder and it opened to give a wider view. Frank stood, frozen in terror, as he looked around.

In the centre of the room was a neatly made double bed, the only thing remotely normal about the bedroom. Hung on the walls, shining in the moonlight filtering though the blinds, were dozens of guns, knives and other weapons. A pristine display case housed polished silver bullets and what looked like an antique wooden steak. On the wall above the bed was a large ordinance survey map of the city. As Frank moved closer he found, to his horror, CCTV photographs and orderly notes about Gerard's every move in the last three weeks pinned to the map. There were markers on his basement room, the offices he had worked the night shift at, the nightclub, gallery and even Frank's flat. Seeing photos of himself and Gerard accompanied with crude notes 'suspected' and 'target' chilled Frank to the bone. Glancing round the other walls he found similar hand written jottings, stuck together with news articles and pages torn from books about supposed animals attacks and vampire mythology.

Panic rose in Frank chest as he realised who Mikey was, what his intentions were. He gasped in fear, tears brimming in his eyes as he noticed that by the door, there were three empty brackets on the wall. Two for guns, one for a knife.

Not only was Mikey a slayer. His target was Gerard... he was going to kill him.


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