Chapter Nine

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Give me all your hopeless hearts, and make me ill

Gerard sat at the lobby desk, blinking hard to prevent him from falling asleep. He was looking forward to meeting Frank at the gallery once his shift was over. He stared out of the floor to ceiling windows into the blackness.  For the first time in forever, there was someone out there in the darkness who was waiting for him, excited to see him and that was all he needed to keep going. The only problem was the blood, he didn't know how long it had been since he had last had a drink and he was beginning to feel it. Gerard swallowed hard, trying to ignore the burning sensation in his throat and the twinges of stomach pain to come. This was going to be hard, but he would have to deal with it. For Frank.

 He looked up as a sharp crash echoed though the silent building. A balding man in a shirt and tie stormed across the lobby, shouting into his phone. Gerard got up hastily and stepped in front of the man.  "You have to sign in real quick" he asked, presenting a pen and log book.

"Hey. What's the problem" frowned the man in-between his conversation on the phone.

"I'm sorry, everyone's got to sign in after hours" he tried to explain as the office worker tried to push past him.

"I work here okay? You see me every fucking day" he shoved past Gerard and continued walking to the elevator.

"I work the night shift" Gerard said sarcastically.

"Alright whatever"

"Sir!" Gerard moved forward to grab his shirt

"Stop!" yelled the man, pissed off now, he turned and punched Gerard square in the face.

Gerard spat, a mixture of saliva and blood, head turned away from the man. He couldn't believe the guy had just hit him, he was just trying to do his job. Then, bubbling up from a place inside him he had never known before, was an all consuming rage. An anger so fierce he couldn't help but let it explode. He turned to face the man, eyes darkening, clenching his fist. The volcano erupted and Gerard punched him back, this time in the neck, winding him and sending his body sprawling to the floor.

But he couldn't stop there, this primal outrage was in control and there was nothing he could do about it. Straddling the man, Gerard held his tie with one hand and repeatedly slammed his fist into his face, rolling his eyes back in pleasure as he felt the mans nose crack. Soon, both the quartz floor, both of their shirts and the mans skin were speckled with blood, a bright crimson in contrast to the white. The smell of the liquid brought Gerard back from his trance and he paused staring at his dripping hand like it didn't belong to him. The cleaner came up behind him, yelling, and dragged him from the worker. Hauling him with his arms under Gerard's, he pulled him into the break room where the shocked manager stood waiting. In a daze, Gerard heard very little of what was said, his body was still wracked with adrenalin and the smell of blood was too strong to concentrate on much else.


Back in his apartment , he considered cancelling on Frank. What if it happened again? What if he hurt him? Sitting on his sofa, head in hands he didn't know what to do. He couldn't let him down again, not for the forth time, Frank might leave him. He couldn't stand the thought of being alone again and so selfishly decided to take the risk and go though with their plans.

Looking down, he noticed red spots on his shirt and had an idea. Slipping it off, he cut the stains in small circles from the white fabric. Taking the largest one he put in on his tongue and sucked gently, the faint coppery taste giving him goose bumps. When all the circles of fabric had been made clean again, he noticed his thirst has decreased ever so slightly. Gerard hoped this was enough to keep him under control tonight, hoped it was enough to avoid disaster.

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