Chapter Thirteen

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Now come one come all to this tragic affair, Wipe off that makeup, what's in is despair. So throw on the black dress, mix in with the lot. You might wake up and notice you're someone you're not...

Frank was desperate. He threw open the cupboards, eating everything in sight. Old take-away, melon, cheese...whatever was there he grabbed it an took a bite. He tired opening cans but ended up throwing his entire cutlery drawer at the wall in frustration. Chicken, Noodles, Bread, Cereal, he grabbed handfuls and shoved them in his mouth, moving on to the next thing before he had swallowed the latter. This went on all morning until he could stand it no longer. He took to throwing himself at the walls, banging the gaffer taped windows and crying to himself. Maybe he needed a cigarette. No. The pain was no better after smoking an entire packet.

Eventually he had exhausted all the energy in his frail little body. He sat on his bed, rocking and groaning, clutching his stomach in agony. He called out for Gerard though his tears.


Gerard was startled away by the horn of a train. He was laying on the cold subway floor against the wall, head resting on a pile of rubbish. People gave him a wide berth as the hurried to their jobs, tutting to their friends in disdain. The first thing on Gerard's mind was Frank. He had to get back to Frank.

Jumping on a train, he travelled across the city underground as evening fell outside. Eventually, the darkness shrouded the city and he was able to take a bus to Frank's apartment safely. Gerard couldn't keep still, fidgeting and moving from seat to seat. Impatient as the bus dawdled at stops. Finally he got there, immediately spiriting from his seat down the road until he got to Frank's apartment complex.

The Detective watched as the boy ran, full pelt, into the block of flats. He decided now was the time for action and began to get out of his car.

Gerard threw himself to the floor as he entered the apartment. Frank was sprawled on the kitchen tiles surrounded by food remnants, skin deathly pale, his dark eyes standing out in startling contrast. Gerard hauled the small man into his lap, cradling his head and stroking his hair.

"I'm so hungry" Frank moaned, curling into Gerard's embrace. Gerard closed his eyes, still running his hands though Franks dark hair.

"Jesus Christ" a voice said. "What did you do to him?"

Gerard turned round to see the detective standing in the doorway, face stricken with horror as he looked around at the state of the apartment and Frank's frail body.

"Stand up" he said to Gerard, pointing a silver pistol at him. Gerard was silent and made no move to get up. "Let me see your hands!" the detective yelled. "I'm arresting you, that's what you want isn't it?" he shouted.

Gerard turned back to Frank and slowly closed a kitchen knife that lay by Frank's head in his hand, tightening his grip.

"Stand up you piece of shit!" continued the detective.

Gerard locked eyes with Frank, watching his beautiful hazel irises become streaked with red, pupils dilating and felt his own doing the same. Ray's voice echoed in his head "Everybody has their thing..." And there, staring into Frank's pale face and perfectly sculpted features. He let go, of his morals, his control and everything as it used to be, giving himself fully to his instincts.

And then there was blood.

Splattered over his own and Frank's snow white skin, plastering the kitchen walls in crimson streaks, as if in a dream, it coated the floor in its pure metallic embrace. Gerard turned to Frank, pride welling in his chest as he watched him feed. Sitting up, Frank showed his stained teeth in his trademark grin. Gerard smiled with him, laughing at the scarlet dribble running down from Frank's mouth.

"Everything is going to be okay" Frank said, moving to kiss him, tasting his blood tinged lips and running his hand though Gerard's hair in a once beautifully innocent movement.

"Yes. Yes it is" Gerard replied, letting go of logical thought and losing himself in Frank's eyes.

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