Chapter Eight.

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Love is the red , the rose on your coffin door

He hated where it came from, but blood was blood and he needed it badly. Gerard stood in the small kitchen at the back of the office lobby, well into his nightly shift and taking a break. He had put the blood into a small flask the day before to keep it fresh and to stop it from smelling. Standing over the sink, he carefully pored the viscous liquid into his coffee, stirring the red streaks into the warm brown foam.

"Hey Gerard!" the cleaner strolled into the room.

Gerard jumped violently and spilt both his coffee and the flask full to the brim of human blood into the sink, the scarlet coating the unwashed bowls and chrome fittings. Panic flared in he chest, the cleaner mustn't see this or he was in deep trouble. He turned the tap on full blast and with shaking hands tried desperately to wash the guilty stains from the sink and its contents. The cleaner had bent down to look in the fridge, but now stood up looking confused. "What are you doing? "he asked gently as he came closer. Gerard's body was tense  as he washed the last few smears down the plug, severely hoping he hadn't missed any. The cleaner leaned over his shoulder to look into the sink, slapping Gerard on the back causing him to flinch. "Hey!" he said laughing "That's my job, you're security buddy!" he chuckled. All Gerard could do was stare into the running water, heart beating wildly like a trapped bird. That had been too close. And now his blood supply had been halved he would have to find some more. He couldn't go to Ray again, not after what had happened.

Going back to his post at the reception desk, he frantically searched google for "Human Blood" he found a website selling small amounts for extortionate prices. Better then nothing, better then hurting Frank he thought. The page stated that human blood from a single donor would be $325.00 per unit and then gave a phone number for orders. Uncertainly, Gerard put the number in and waited for someone to pick up.

Eventually a female voice answered. 

"Yes, hello..uh..I'd like to order whole human blood please?" He waited, listening to the lady "Yes, this is my first time calling" She asked for what purpose he wanted it, the dreaded question. "Sure..." Gerard said shakily "'s clinical research" he then cursed himself, remembering she had asked for a company "...Incorporated" he awkwardly added on the end. Suddenly the phone went dead. "Hello?" he tried once...and then put the phone back into its place. He had been hung up on. Cursing himself for being so ill prepared for the question and butchering the response so badly, he wracked his brain. Where else could he possibly get human blood without hurting anyone?

There was a several knocks and Gerard looked up to see a man standing at the window. He was in a dark suit and was knocking at the glass doors with a large shiny police badge, sternly nodding at Gerard. Quickly deleting his computer history, Gerard went over and opened the door slightly to speak to the man.

"Are you Gerard?" he asked.

"yeah" he muttered.

"Detective Myers, FBI" smiled the man "We had a murder nearby a couple of nights ago, do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?" 

Gerard nodded, swallowing hard. "No, come in" He opened the door wide enough for the detective to squeeze in.

"I spoke to your boss, he told me you were on watch the night of the murder"

"Yeah, I read about that in the newspaper." Gerard bit his nails.

"Do you take breaks? Walk around the grounds? Leave the premises.."

"I take my breaks in the kitchen out the back there" he pointed

The detective made a satisfied noise and made a note in his small pad. Gerard went to sit back behind the desk, the detective leaned over it, staring at him intently, smiling. "Nice Jacket" he commented. "I remember when I had to wear uniform, geez was that thing uncomfortable" he shook his head. "Do you ever take that off when on duty?"

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