Chapter Seven

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Who ever said loving him would be easy?"

Gerard let Frank into the apartment and then closed the door behind them. Immedietely Frank was kissing him, pushing his bony frame against the wall, almost attacking him. Gerard recognised the same almost need that he had felt for blood in Franks eyes, only this was a need for him. Of all people Frank wanted him, a isolated, good for nothing...blood sucking...Gerard stopped the thought in its tracks, instead focusing on the smell and taste of Frank, coffee and stale cigarettes.

He led Frank towards the sofa, shrugging off his jacket on the way. Frank giggled as he threw himself into the cushions, causing Gerard to smile helplessly in response. And they were kissing again, Gerard straddling Frank as he frantically unbuttoned Gerard's shirt pulling it off, fingers massaging the cool, deathly white skin of his back as he leaned further into the kiss. Gerard started to pull off Frank's t-shirt, stroking his chest as it did it, smiling as he felt Frank shiver under him.  He broke away from Frank's lips and  began kissing down his neck from his chin down to his collarbone. He began to suck gently, causing the blood to rush to the surface of the skin as a hickey. He heard Frank gasp but despite his initial shock he let his head tip back, giving Gerard better access.

Suddenly, Frank pulled away violently, face uncertain, hand on Gerard's chest to prevent him from advancing. "wait" he said breathlessly. "What's wrong with your eyes?" Gerard froze, his arousal disappearing, replaced with panic. He immediately tore himself from Frank and made a dash for his dingy bathroom. Looking in the mirror, he gasped with shock as he came face to face with something he didn't recognise. His eyes were a yellow ochre, flecked with and encircled by a bright crimson, pupils dilated to an uncomfortable diameter. Pulling his eyelids down, he noticed that the whites of his eyes were also enflamed making it look as if he was wearing halloween contact lenses. Bursting out of the bathroom, he went to the kitchen and grabbed a pair of dark sun glasses from the counter and put them on with shaking hands.  Frank sat upright on the sofa, clutching his t-shirt vulnerably and  watching Gerard in concern.

"Are you alright?" he asked, not able to hide the tremor in his voice. 

"uh..I don't know" Gerard replied vaguely. He rummaged in the fridge, finding the pouch from earlier. There was just about a mouthful of blood left. Hunching over facing the wall, he squeezed the dregs into his mouth, breathing heavily. Frank got up and went over to the kitchen doorway scared and now extremely concerned for Gerard.

"Wha..What are you drinking?" he asked tentatively.

Gerard stuffed the pouch into the bin, still with his back to Frank. "uh..its uh...just medicine"

Frank edged forward. "What's wrong with your eyes?" he said softly

"I don't know" Gerard turned around, back against the wall, ribs jutting out and moving as he panted.

Frank got closer and reached for the sunglasses "take those off"  

Gerard flinched violently  and ducked around Frank, running back to the sitting room. Frank followed him. "Hey..let me see..okay?" he said softly keeping his distance as Gerard threw a shirt on. Frank came closer slowly and reached up, pausing as Gerard flinched involuntarily at his proximity, then very gradually, he removed the glasses from his face. Gerard had his eyes closed tightly, wrinkling his face in concentration. "open" Frank commanded tenderly. Gerard relaxed slightly at Franks gentle tone and then very slowly opened his eyes, still avoiding directly looking at Frank. "they look okay now" he affirmed.

"they do?" Gerard questioned

Frank nodded. "Has this ever happened before?" he asked confused

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