Chapter Six

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"Grab a glass because there's going to be a flood"

The hunger had returned in full force after he had vomited all the animal blood out of his system. Gerard had slept fitfully though the day and once evening drew in he had decided this was a matter that couldn't wait. He had to get human blood as fast as possible, or he was afraid he would lose control. He had an idea where he could get some, anything but killing people. He couldn't do that.

Gerard pulled on a dark hoodie and a black beanie, hoping this would do something to make him a little more inconspicuous. He strolled with fake confidence down the pitch black street, it was that time in the night when everything was still, known as the "witching hour". This part of town couldn't afford to maintain their street lamps, and so the darkness that swathed the road was a blessing to Gerard. Coming out onto a major intersection, Gerard turned left and as he did so caught he reflection in a dilapidated shop window. His skin was shockingly pale, akin to that of a corpse, his eyes were sunken back into their sockets shadowed by purple. He had been skinny before he had fallen ill, but now his clothes hung off his body loosely and his bones jutted out making his body sickeningly angular.

Finally he made it to the hospital. It was an underfunded, rather dirty facility but it still did its job in saving hundreds of lives each year, no matter how unpleasant it was to be a patient there.  He followed the floodlit signs to the emergency A&E entrance and then ducked around a broken chain link fence to the hospitals trash area.  It was lit much more sparsely and lined with different colour heavy duty dumpsters, each for a different purpose. Scanning nervously, Gerard pinpointed one with a large red sticker warning Biohazard. This was what he had come for. The bin was padlocked shut, but Gerard had come prepared for this and removed a small crowbar from under his hoodie. Placing it on the tight chain that wound around the bin's lid, he tried to get enough leverage to break it. He failed multiple times, grimacing at the loud crashing sounds as the crowbar hit the metal of the bin as it slipped. He was so completely caught up in the task that he did not notice the man come up behind him.

"Hey man." the stranger said, making Gerard jump violently and spin around. "What you looking for, huh?"

Gerard stared at the man, guiltily turning the crowbar in his hands. The stranger was dressed in a blue surgeons gown, and was evidently on his tea break by the steaming coffee clutched in one hand. His small afro was smoothed back smartly and his face was kind. Gerard decided to abandon his mission, he couldn't afford a police investigation. Not when he felt his control slipping like this. He walked past the man to go, fighting the impulse to run, which would make him look even more guilty.

"Hey, wait...wait up." the man called "I'm not going to bust you. What do you need in there?"  Gerard stopped and turned to face the stranger. The man smiled concernedly as he studied Gerard's malnourished body. "Why are you trying to break into that one?" he asked slowly "That's nothing but disease and shit, rotting organs and blood" Gerard looked up at the last part, not showing any emotion and stared into the surgeons eyes. He stared back and after a moment of silence came to an understanding. "You need blood, huh?"

Gerard let the silence stretch out for a moment longer and then couldn't help but to blurt out "No..nono" in denial.

The man didn't buy it and interrupted Gerard with a grin. "no hold on a minute,  hold on" he put on some plastic gloves. "I might have something for you" He went out of sight a moment, rummaging though red bin bags that were lined up ready for the bin. Gerard considered running, now was his chance, but the hunger kept him rooted to the spot. The man emerged into the light again and threw a plastic pouch of blood at him "There you go, take it. The hospital doesn't need it, probably expired or something."

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