Chapter Fourteen

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"Kick Me Like a Stray"

In the few days following Franks transformation, Gerard's symptoms worsened, his blood lust becoming ever more fierce and uncontrollable. He was half pleased at Frank's change, as he didn't know how he would have been able to resist him, and there would have been no way to hide his condition anymore. Frank had coped surprisingly well, however the lack of sunlight and grisly urges were uncomfortable for someone as gentle natured. He was transitioning gradually, just as Gerard had, slowly developing the need for human blood accompanied with violent tendencies and impossible strength.

Gerard was unsure quite what was wrong with them, but suspected that vampires were in fact far from a myth and that this 'infection' they he, and now Frank, was afflicted with, was some sort of ancient virus. They had set up in Franks apartment, leaving the drained body of the police inspector surrounded by dark stains on Gerard's kitchen floor. Sloppy, but what could they do? Frank sold candy at the nightclub and Gerard was a recluse, they were hardly professional criminals.

It was a Wednesday night when it all started to fall apart.

"Put the TV on will you?" asked Gerard, slumped on the sofa as Frank entered the living room bearing mugs of hot cocoa.

"Sure" Frank grinned. Gerard noticed that his canines had become abnormally elongated as he smiled, something he had never noticed on himself. Running his tongue over his teeth he discovered with shock that his had also changed. Gerard wondered if it was all the blood they consumed, it had been as fresh as it could possibly get.  Frank put the mugs down on the coffee table and switched the TV on. It blinked and showed the channel it had been left on, the news.

A pale-faced reporter stood on a darkened street. "Hey...Isn't that...??" Frank began slowly.

"Yeah" Gerard replied, recognising his apartment complex immediately. Frank sat down heavily beside him, eyes glued to the screen.

"The body of a Police Detective was found in a basement apartment on State Street tonight. The man is a victim of a gruesome murder and is unidentifiable by face." The reporter paused, visibly collecting herself. "The apartment was owned by Mr. G Way" A college picture of him flashed up on the screen "Not much is known about him but at this current time he is the prime suspect. Mr. Way is missing, so if anyone has any information please come forward to your local police station as soon as possible. Your contribution is vital to our investigation." The reporter paused again, this time holding her earpiece "I'm just being told that a Mr. F Iero is also now a suspect, after he has been found to be the only known associate of Mr. Way." Frank closed his hand around Gerard's, eyes still trained on the screen.  "A full scale investigation will take place to bring this murderer to justice. Check back at 11pm for more on this story"

Gerard grabbed the remote and switched the television off, abruptly plunging the room into darkness.  "What do we do?" asked Frank, eyes wide in fright

"We need to leave." Gerard answered, already jumping up and frantically getting his things together "If you're a suspect, the first place they'll come is here"

"Shit" Frank jumped up, running to his bedroom and bringing out a rucksack, stuffing a few pairs of clothes, a toothbrush, a book and some food inside. He disappeared briefly again and returned with a battered guitar case, containing his precious instrument. 

Gerard smiled despite himself at Frank struggling with his bag and the huge guitar. "Here, let me help you" he laughed, pulling the backpack around so Frank could get his arm into the strap.

"Where are we going to go?" asked Frank again, full of anxious questions

"We'll think about that when we come to it." Gerard bit his lip in worry "Right now all we have to worry about it getting out of here"

Frank nodded and went for the door. "Is there any way we can avoid the main entrance to your building?" Gerard questioned

"Yeah, we can take the fire escape" Frank opened the door and motioned for Gerard to follow, closing it behind them and leaving the cups of cocoa, still steaming, untouched on the coffee table.

They made it along the corridor without meeting anymore, the apartment complex hallways abandoned this late at night. The fire escape was a dimly lit stairwell, the area had no windows and the paint was beginning to peel giving it an abandoned feel.The air carried the smell of mildew and urine, deeply unpleasant in such a small space.They quietly climbed down, Frank clinging to Gerard's arm as the only functioning electric light began to flicker wildly, sending his newly heightened senses into overdrive. Finally they reached the exit, two steel double doors with push down handles. Slowly, Frank opened one, grimacing at the noise it made as it scraped along the pavement. The fire escape opened up in a side alley of the main building, littered with dumpsters and black rubbish sacks.

"This way" Frank whispered, beckoning Gerard to follow him out on the main street.  Picking their way though the rubbish, they had nearly made it to the road when suddenly the alleyway was awash with noise as three police cars pulled up outside the building, sirens ablaze, red and blue lights flooding the street. Frank froze in fright, silhouetted by the light.

"Come on!" Gerard raised his voice above the noise "We have to go!"

Frank didn't move so Gerard was forced to grab his hoodie sleeve and pull him roughly backwards into the alley, causing him to stumble and trip over, falling onto Gerard as he crouched behind a dumpster. Frank fell a few seconds before a police officer rounded the corner and shone a torch down the passageway. A little earlier and he would have caught Frank standing there in shock. Instead he shrugged and joined his team members in entering the building.

"Now!" Gerard whispered hoarsely, grabbing Franks hoodie and yanking him back up, gripping his hand and running, pulling him behind, into the backstreets.

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