Chapter Twenty

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"Would you carry me to the end?"

Frank clawed at the floor in his distress, panting, his human moans of longing interrupted by the guttural growls of a predator. Gerard crawled towards him, wincing and clutching the wound in his shoulder.

"Frank" he placed an arm on his back, stroking it comfortingly. "Frank stay with me" Frank looked up at Gerard though his unkempt brown hair, eyes bloodshot, pupils huge, suffering gleaming out from within his gentle soul. It hurt Gerard more then the physical wounds he had endured to see his Frankie in such a state, it was an awful mix of terror and lust, something he had grown to know well. Gerard felt his own body reacting to Franks frenzy and the smell of human blood, but not in such a violent way as he had been already satisfied from the blood of the man from the tent. However it was enough to become painful to resist. Gerard's hand that had been stroking Frank's back slowly closed into a fist, taking a firm grip on of his t-shirt to hold not only Frank but himself back from the woman's slit throat.


Mikey stood back in the shadow of the trees. His parents had spent years preparing him to exterminate these creatures. And yet, none of the training, the books, the shaky camera and CCTV footage, had prepared him to witness the horror of one entering the state of a feeding frenzy. He watched in fascination, disgust and fear as Frank's body convulsed as he tried to resist. Mikey should have stopped Gerard from crawling over to his struggling boyfriend, should have taken more control of  the situation, but he was too scared. His parents would have been disappointed. 

Mikey wanted to be unemotional, wanted his poker face to be easy to keep up, he wanted to be a heartless slayer, just as his mother had been. But he couldn't face watching his brother, the boy he had played with on the swings, had picked him up when he fell, who had been nothing but kind to him, become the monster he had been taught to kill. It had hurt, deceiving him, especially when he had seen the love between Frank and Gerard, just how much they needed each other. And yet, despite everything, all his instincts screamed at him to kill both of them and be done with it all.


"Look at me Frank" Gerard commanded, voice solid, an anchor for Franks swirling thoughts. "I want you to focus on me" Frank's body shuddered under Gerard's hold, Gerard squeezed his eyes shut to try and clear his own mind of the allure of blood. "Hey, it's okay" he said softly, moving his hand up to caress Frank's hair. "I'm right here. Right here."

Frank took in a deep breath, concentrating on Gerard beside him, focusing on the scent of tobacco and coffee emanating from him above the sickly smell of blood. Very slowly, he began to regain control, leaning against Gerard heavily, eyes closed, using every ounce of energy to fight his primal urges. "I'm with you" he managed to say, voice ragged

Gerard let loose the tears behind his eyes, hugging Frank against him, shaking. Frank began to cry into Gerard uninjured shoulder, shivering violently and holding him tightly. The two held their embrace for a long time, resisting the blood despite the virus screaming for it, bathed in moonlight.


Mikey was taken aback by the humanity in the bloodthirsty creatures he had been told all his life didn't exist. He didn't know what to do. Now was the prime moment, he could take them both from where he stood, shoot them as they wept. But the small part of him that still saw Gerard as his brother, the part of him that fought, screamed, as he had been pulled from their childhood home all those years ago, stopped him in his tracks. He looked at the wounds he had given Gerard, the woman's slit throat, what it would do to the pair if one of them were die. His world turned upside down as Mikey realised that he had become the monster.

He stepped from the shadows. "Gerard"

Gerard spun round, still holding Frank, immediately ferociously defensive "Don't come any closer" he snarled weakly, canines shining


Gerard sat confused, still frightened for his own and Franks life. "But-"

"Go." He threw his mobile toward Gerard, 911 glowing on the screen. "They're coming, if you go now, you'll get away"


"Because you're my brother" Mikey took off his sunglasses and dropped his weapons, exposing himself "And I can see how much you love him" he motioned to Frank

Gerard froze, looking into his brothers eyes, what had happened to the cold hearted slayer who had plunged a machete into his chest but a few moments ago? "wha-"

"Just this once." he promised. "If I catch you again, either of you...I'll kill you"

"Thank you" Gerard said, wiping away his tears and standing up shakily, still holding his bleeding side and supporting Frank, pulling him up beside him.

Gerard and Frank stumbled out of the clearing , leaving Mikey alone with the dead . Below them in the near distance lay the city, lit up in the night, the beating heart of urban living. They stood on the crest of a small hill, both exhausted, each supporting the other, looking in awe at the bright lights of New Jersey headed by the huge autumn moon and a sky, mostly void, partially stars.

Gerard and Frank started towards their new life.

Together. For eternity.


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