Chapter Nineteen

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"Someone save my soul tonight, please save my soul"

Frank wasted no time, grabbing his jacket and taking a pistol from Mikey's room. His father had taught him how to shoot, he was never any good at it, but he took the weapon all the same, hoping it would give him enough leverage to scare Mikey off.

He took off into the night, the door shutting and locking fast behind him. No going back. Frank was determined to save Gerard in the same way he had plucked the bullet from his chest. He was going to be the hero for once. After all the bullying, the abuse, the loneliness...he would finally count for something. He took a deep breath of the midnight air, getting the faint traces of Gerard's scent, coffee and tobacco smoke.

He set off running.


Gerard layed the man down, feeling as if he should still be gentle even though he was dead. The woman stirred on the floor, making an effort of get up, scrambling, her fingernails caked in dirt. Gerard smiled at his helpless prey, he felt himself losing his humanity, the glint of murder in his eyes. He straddled the girl who was crawling on her belly, pulling her head upwards with her hair. Her terrified eyes met his and saw only madness. Gerard let out a psychotic giggle, finally letting go of the last whisps of sanity that had remained during the slow maturing of the virus and jerked her head violently to the side. A loud crack and it was over. Gerard hoisted the woman's limp body up and over his shoulder, ready to carry her back to Frank.  As he emerged from the trees, pale skin splattered with drying blood, body in tow, Gerard looked up to see a shadowy figure.

Framed against the huge autumn moon, clad in a long black trench coat and dark sunglasses, a gleaming machete in one hand, stood Mikey. "Stop right there."

"Why, brother Its rather late to be out in the woods...isn't it." Gerard smiled

Mikey kept a perfect poker face "I'm here to do my duty"

"And does that involve killing me?" Gerard said, unsurprised by the revelation

"It does"

"You would murder your own brother?"

"I would if he was a monster"

Gerard grinned, showing his teeth and licking the blood from around his lips. "I'm a monster now?"

"Take a look at yourself"

"You weren't there when I needed you. All those years spent alone. All the pain"

"Who says I wasn't lonely too"

"Well." Gerard smirked "It looks like you were busy" he eyed Mikey's impressive kit

"I was. All my life had led to this one moment. Gerard Way, I was born to kill you" And with that Mikey ran forward, catching Gerard by surprise. He swung his blade with practiced precision, it impacted  with Gerard's chest with a dull thud, blood beginning to seep into his t-shirt. He fell to the ground with the force of the swing, grunting in pain and shock. Mikey pulled the machete from Gerard skin in one smooth pull, standing over him with satisfaction.

"I heard everything you told Frank, I wasn't asleep" Gerard managed to gasp trying for something, anything, that would catch Mikey off guard

"I suspected you did" Mikey polished the blade with his sleeve, wiping the blood away in smears. "I'll tell you something more. You are one of the pure carriers of the disease. Born, not infected. This makes you the source of the plague. This is why you must die, no hard feelings." he grinned wickedly

Gerard spat blood onto Mikey's shoes in response. Mikey untucked a revolver from his belt and loaded several silver bullets, taking his time as Gerard groaned at his feet, bleeding out.  "I never liked you much anyway" Mikey confessed. He aimed the barrel at Gerard's heart with one hand. "Goodbye brother"

He pulled the trigger, a loud bang reverberating though the trees.

Gerard opened his eyes, a hot pain blooming in his shoulder. Frank had sprinted into the clearing just as Mikey had pulled the trigger, shoving him, causing him to miss his target and hit Gerard's shoulder instead of his heart. Frank had fallen hard, entangled with Mikey, a couple of meters away. Gerard could see he was weak, it was a long time since he had fed and he didn't stand a chance against Mikey, who was up again quickly, gaining control

"That's unfortunate" spat Mikey "You've robbed me of my triumphant moment" he dusted himself off

Frank struggled to get up, energy spent in his wild sprint. "Let's play a little game" Mikey kicked Frank in the back of the head as he walked over to grab the dead woman. He hauled her over to where Gerard lay and slit her throat. Crimson blood cascaded down her neck, quickly soaking the ground beneath.

"Frank" Mikey said firmly, pulling him up into a sitting position "If you can resist that little snack I've provided...I'll let you both live." he sneered "prove  to me you're not a monster" Mikey stepped back into the shadows, observing intently as Frank began to change.

Frank breathed in the heavy scent of human blood, he clapped his hand over his nose trying to avoid its heady sweetness, but it was inescapable, surrounding him. As the smell poured into his body, it began to react, his whole being yearning for blood. His brown eyes dilated, the pupil nearly completely obscuring the iris which brightened into a deep shade of red. Frank couldn't help himself from moving into a predatory crouch, body lean and ready to pounce. His mouth hung slightly open as he breathed in the scent, elongated canines jutting out, dripping with saliva.

Gerard shuddered and watched though a haze of pain, willing Frank with all his heart to resist. He felt tears welling in his eyes as Franks personality, his kindness, his determination, even his love for him, disappeared leaving only  a creature capable of violence.

Could he resist?

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