Chapter Fifteen

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"Another knife in my hand, a stain that never wears off"

Gerard and Frank huddled in a narrow backstreet, sheltered by smelly dumpsters and stitting in the draft of a giant heating grate belonging to a hotel. Frank was beginning to weaken, moaning in pain and curling into the foetal position, head resting on Gerard's chest. Gerard gently stroked Frank's hair as he tossed and turned, mind filled with crippling anxiety. Where would they stay? Gerard had no friends to turn to and he was too afraid to check into a hotel- what if they got caught? Their faces were all over the news. That also ruled out what where they going to do? Frank groaned again, grimacing in agony. Gerard hushed him gently, putting an arm around the skinny boy and pulling him closer. They needed blood, and fast.

Gerard had never been violent, not intentionally. It had always been his way to avoid confrontation, to stick to the shadows and hide from the fight. Being a coward meant you stayed alive. However, looking at Frank's fast declining condition and feeling the edge of hunger in his own stomach, he decided something had to be done.



"I'm going to go and get us something to eat" Gerard whispered

Frank tightened his grip on Gerard's shirt "Don't leave me. Don't leave me alone, not here" he whined

The desperation on his voice broke Gerard's heart "We don't have a choice. We have to eat" He moved to get up

"Come back. Please don't get..." Frank's sentence was fractured as he curled into himself again, reeling in pain.

"I won't. I promise." Gerard hated leaving Frank there behind the dumpster, extremely vulnerable and looking so small. "I'll be back real soon" he whispered


Gerard walked down the increasingly dark backstreets, moving further and further away from law abiding territory and into the underbelly of the city, filled with the homeless, prostitutes and criminals. He had never killed anyone, well, not while conscious of his actions. It had been Frank who had taken down the Police Detective and Gerard wasn't sure he could just simple 'choose' someone to kill off the street. He hated playing god. And yet, Frank was back there all alone and in pain, driving Gerard's motivation.

The predatory instincts came naturally, his footsteps silent and his senses ablaze. Gerard froze as someone moved further down the street. A girl, probably in her late twenties, strolled nervously in Gerard's direction. He ducked behind a building, not wanting to alert his prey. She repeatedly looked behind her, as if she was worried about being followed. Gerard smiled at this, knowing the feeling. Suddenly, as he breathed in, he caught thick scent of her blood.

Startled, his body began to change, dropping down into a crouch, eyes dilating and mouth hanging open slightly. As it began, Gerard panicked and then, remembering his mission was for Frank, gave himself to the strange but ever so natural urges. The girl made it to the corner where Gerard was hiding and he darted out, catching her by the hair and yanking her to the alley wall. He forgot all about Frank and the police as he felt the heat under her skin and heard the sound of her pulse thudding close to the surface. She opened her mouth to scream, but Gerard's teeth crushed her windpipe before the sound could escape. There was just the gurgle or air and blood in her lungs, and the low moans he could not control as he drew the liquid from her veins. It was warm and sweet, quenching the fire in his throat and calming the nagging pain in his stomach. He sucked and gulped, the girl quickly going limp in his arms. The more blood that entered his system, the clearer his thoughts became, so Gerard was able to stop- leaving the victim only half drained.

Carefully, he pulled the girl back to where he had left Frank, relieved to see him still curled by the dumpster, chest gently rising and falling in sleep.

"ppsstt" he called "Frank!" in a strained whisper

Frank stirred, nostrils flaring at the smell emanating from the girl. "Gerard?" he groaned

"I brought something for you" Gerard smiled and then frowned in anxiety as he watched Frank transform before him as his eyes met the girl sprawled on the ground. All the kindness, Frank's gentle eyes, his grin disappeared until all that was left was a cold predator, fixated on the kill. Gerard was fascinated and terrified at the same time, knowing that the same change had happened to him when he had caught the scent.

"Here" he whispered, nudging the body with his foot

Frank let out a low, rippling growl in response, moving closer. He soon found the wound in the girls throat and attached his mouth to it like a leech, taking deep gulps, eyes rolling back in pleasure. Gerard felt himself being turned on by the sight of Franks feeding, watching his ecstasy and listening to the incredible noises he was making as he drank. His whole body screamed at him to join Frank.

"Care if I.." he asked, getting nearer

Frank looked up, eyes huge and reflecting like a cats in the darkness. He managed to nod without removing his mouth from the dripping wound. Gerard crouched down and sunk his teeth into the girls shoulder, elongated canines sinking softly into the skin like a knife into butter. He looked up to find Frank was watching him and noticed that he was also aroused, letting out a deep moan as he detached himself from the body. Gerard sucked the last drops from the lifeless girl as Frank watched, adjusting his jeans as they got tighter.

When the victim was dry, Gerard removed his teeth and sat back against the wall, scarlet running down from his mouth. Frank moved over and sat on his lap, kissing him and licking the stains from his face, moving his hips slowly.

"Thank you"

"It's okay"

"Was it hard.. killing her?" Frank asked, glancing back at the lifeless corpse abandoned beside them.

"In practise, no but morally...yes" Gerard breathed between Franks kisses

"I bet" Frank said, putting his forehead against Gerard's "but it's okay now" he reassured "Do you feel better for it?"

"much...better" Gerard managed as Franks movements became faster

Frank gasped, coming in his pants as Gerard moved his hand tactfully. "So do I"

Gerard moaned, climaxing soon after. He breathed slowly as he relaxed, trying to process what had just happened, leaning forward and resting his head on Franks chest.

"We need to do something with her" he stated

Frank stroked his cheek "we'll leave her here" he suggested "Set a fire, get rid of our fingerprints"


Frank got up so Gerard was free to move. "I have a lighter" Gerard pulled it from his pocket and flicked it experimentally, showing yellow sparks.

"perfect, help me pile some of this rubbish up to get it started" Frank motioned, moving huge pieces of cardboard and other dry, burnable trash on top of the girl. Gerard helped until the pile was substantial, topping it off with a slosh of gasoline from a discarded canister he had found in the dumpster. The pile caught easily, quickly turning into a stinking blaze, the evidence being eaten up in the heat.

Gerard and Frank held hands, clothes streaked with red, silhouetted by the bonfire.

Somebody coughed behind them, causing them to jump apart in fright. Franks mind was immediately consumed with worry, what would this person think of them...seeing them covered in blood and starting an unauthorised fire? Gerard swung around to face the intruder, ready to attack. Frank did the same, lunging forward to bite the man, surprised as Gerard stuck his arm out, stopping him mid pounce.

Frank couldn't understand why Gerard was holding him back, this man could be their downfall, could tell the police their location! But then he looked at his face and saw it pale, as if he was seeing a ghost. "Gerard..?" he started uneasily

Gerard stared at the skinny man before him, defined features clear in the flickering light of the bonfire.

"H...How? You're dead..." Gerard spluttered "Mikey?"

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