Chapter Seventeen

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"I see you lying next to me"

Gerard opened his eyes to an unfamiliar room. Quickly, last nights events flooded back and he understood where he was...who's house he was in...Mikey. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and realised he had spent the night with his head resting in Franks lap. Frank was still sound asleep, sitting upright, head drooping to one side. Gerard smiled at his awkward posture, his heart warming at the thought of Frank caring for him.

Gerard got up and decided to look around a little while Frank slept. On the ground floor was the lounge they had spent the night in and a tiny kitchen. Walking in and checking the cupboards, Gerard found only a stale box of cereal and various tinned vegetables. Sighing, he decided to check upstairs. There, he found a decrepit bathroom, one empty bedroom and another door which he presumed was Mikey's room, solidly locked shut. "Mikey?" he called, voice low as not to disturb Frank downstairs Nothing. The house was filled with a thick, heavy silence. Gerard turned away and decided to create a makeshift breakfast from the slightly expired things he had found in the kitchen. Just as he was descending the stairs, a strangled scream ruptured the quiet, spurring Gerard into a sprint.

Frank was sat on the sofa just where Gerard had left him, drenched in cold sweat, holding his head in his hands and shivering.

"Frank!" exclaimed Gerard, falling to his side "It's okay, it was just a dream" he put an arm around Franks shaking shoulders

"I just..." Frank spluttered "Nightmare weren't here...and"

"Shhh" Gerard whispered, planting a kiss on Franks forehead "I'm right here"

Frank leaned forward into Gerard's arms, hugging him tight "What would I do without you" he contemplated softly.

Gerard smiled and withdrew looking into Frank's shadowed eyes. He looked so tired, so broken, his long canines showing as he smiled back. Suddenly, Gerard was sad. He had done this to his beloved Frank...given him some awful disease, hurt him...and now they were homeless and adrift in an anchorless reality.

Frank looked back into Gerard's softly glowing eyes, he saw the self hatred blossom in their depths, his beautiful features falling into sadness. Gerard opened his mouth to speak and Frank put his finger over his lips, stopping him in his tracks. "I know what you're going to say." he stated, voice a monotone. "You're going to apologise, to throw the blame onto yourself" Gerard tried to speak again but Frank pushed his finger harder against his soft mouth. "But Gerard" he breathed in awe "You saved me, gave me hope, gave me purpose...pulled a fucking bullet from my chest" he smiled even wider, teeth shining in the morning light "I may be infected with..." he paused and decided not to tell Gerard what Mikey had enlightened him on the previous evening to avoid bringing up sensitive topics. "...whatever you have. But I'm happier than I've ever been" he leaned in closer, breath feathering Gerard's ear "I love you Gerard Arthur Way. Completely and irrevocably."

Gerard gasped, taken aback by Franks admission. Nobody had ever told him they loved him before. Not like that, so openly, so honestly. "I love you too" he whispered, smiling "Forever" The two held their embrace for a long time, the house a silent sentinel to their affection.


Evening drew in, having spent most of the day flicking though the channels on the tiny TV, they were restless. Around 10pm, Mikey arrived, the front door opening with a click.

"Where have you been?" questioned Gerard suspiciously

"Busy" answered Mikey, avoiding the question

Frank sighed and decided not to push any further "Do you have any food in this house that's not rotten?"

"I've brought you some" Mikey took his backpack off and pulled out a supermarket bag containing bread, peanut butter, oranges and assorted gummy sweets.

"Bit of a strange combination" Gerard muttered, delving into one of the sweet packets. "Mikey." he asked, suddenly serious. "Me and Frank...we have this condition..."

"I know" Mikey added stiffly

Gerard narrowed his eyes, glancing from Mikey to Frank. "Well, we're going to need more then this to keep us satisfied" he said gingerly

"I'm not getting you blood"

" do you know?" Gerard frowned, confused, looking at Frank of help. All he got is a blank face in return.

"That's your own problem." continued Mikey. "If you manage to get hold of any...I don't want to know." he turned and went back into his room, the stairs creaking as he climbed them.

Gerard spun to face Frank "did you tell him?"

Frank was torn, should he tell the truth, what Mikey had told him lurked in Gerard's genes, or should he give a fraction of it?

"I told him." Frank lied, feeling guilty "It's easier Gerard. He doesn't care anyway" he assured. Gerard sighed in exasperation but Frank continued. "Look. It isn't as if we can hide it anymore. Your eyes glow and these-" he bared his teeth "are immediately obvious"

"I guess your right" Gerard's shoulders relaxed. "We need to get blood." he stated

"It's okay, we don't need it imminently"

"We do, you need a lot more than me, I think its because you're newly infected" said Gerard

"I'm okay at the moment"

"At the moment yeah, but not for long"

Frank sighed "You're right"

"I'll go now, bring back some for the morning" Gerard suggested

"But...the police, you're wanted!" exclaimed Frank

"I can hide. Especially in the dark" Gerard insisted "And I've done it before"

"Okay" agreed Frank reluctantly "But I'll be alone with him" he looked upwards at the ceiling in the direction of Mikey's room.

"I don't think he'll leave his bedroom" Gerard reasoned "and from what I've seen he hasn't changed much, he was never violent, it should be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure"

"I trust you" Frank smiled, kissing Gerard softly

Gerard kissed him back before opening the door and disappeared into the cold night.

Our Dwindling Night (A Vampire Gerard/Frerard Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now