the humans can now use this power after learning it from a mage who knows these spells.
The netherworld trees that were requested sprouted flowers and then fruits.
the seeds from the fruits gave birth to the trees of harvest moon as the spells for espoir and tera heal and the goddess of farming knowledge formed the harvest moons of Belphegor.
creating 900,000,000 harvest moon trees. these one holding the true power of Belphgor. and growing food that could feed 100 demons, worth of food, for each tree born.
90,000,000,000 pieces of food. from fish to vegetables. fruits to dairy. wine and sake. meat and since it was a tree made by a being that eats souls. it creates spirit energy that fills the food itself. as the power of love and healing turns each item cooked into food that holds the power of two human souls. the farmer's power. and the chief's power. and each type of food that brings the most nutrients to the allies of Belphegor.
they now have farms that cover the amount of space that could give that amount of food.
and cleaning the poisons in the land and any fertilizer they use.
Disgaea it's all good fam
Adventuredisgaea progression and growth. the symbol means it is protected but I accept fan fiction you just want to affect this world's growth but I'm also willing to let fan fiction make a new Disgaea world for me to explore. also, I was told that if I post...