The prism mage can now be given a white stone enhanced with celestial soil, a seraph feather or angel feather, and the heir of the god who had made Celestia. The stone is called a celestial stone, and it can be given on the orders of the seraph or the orders of an archangel.
This evolution stone turns the prism mage, once a resident of the netherworld, into an ethcryetel, a being that has a celestial planet instead of a netherworld planet.
The human world would be the mortiser, and the goddess or god who made the netherworlds hasn't made a way for prism mages to become mortiser mages yet, but they might at some point.
ethcryetel mage was created after the writer of this book got in a car accident because of people's reasons.
An ethcryetel might also cause celestial flowers to grow in the netherworlds, so they are mostly those mages in the netherworld who have ascended into wanting to be divine and celestial rather than having to do the whole. They are trying to purify themselves so as not to lose who they truly are to the power of the netherworld and its demons.
but the earth was given one once it was made.
so be on the lookout for white flowers and strange effects to happen to those living on the earth. and an auto heal spell and regenerate spell to get stronger. I hope this helps the world. oh, also the Earth was a prism mage in the netherworlds at one point in time.
so if the netherworld hospital targets both the mage and the planet that is also their body then the mage also will get better.
so sorry you guys had been living inside of the Netherworld tree this whole time.
but now that a celestal stone has been given to the earth a pendent like Flonne's that keeps her from getting sick in the netherworlds. is also been given. and they might have made armor that does something before touching the celestial stone just to make sure the netherworlds wouldn't completely drain the earth's new divine essence

Disgaea it's all good fam
Aventuredisgaea progression and growth. the symbol means it is protected but I accept fan fiction you just want to affect this world's growth but I'm also willing to let fan fiction make a new Disgaea world for me to explore. also, I was told that if I post...