Chapter 5

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Harry has been at Boot Camp for 5 weeks and I feel like he is being more distant. I miss him so much. Why won't he answer my text, did I do something wrong? 

*Next morning* 

Khloe, can you go to the store and get some food?! Lacey asked. "Fine, I will go get some cereal."So I started walking there, I was about a 10 minute walk. I grabbed a few boxes of cereal and some milk. Then I went to the front to pay, I was waiting in line to check out so I decided to look through the magazines. I was looking at one cover that had Harry and the boys on it and it read 'Harry styles confirms single.' and with that I started to cry and it was my turn so I hurried up and checked out and run home crying, he forgot about me.. Did he really even want to be my boyfriend? I need to stop thinking about these things because they are just making me cry worst. I finally reached my house I ran inside and placed the food and ran upstairs but before I could my sister yelled, "Khloe, are you ok?" She looked really concerned. I looked at her and said, "N- No." I stuttered and started to cry even harder. "Whats wrong?"She looked sad now. "l Harry.... Ch- Cheated... O- On... M- Me!!" I started to cry harder now and I don't think I can cry harder than this or ever have. He broke my heart. I heard my sisters foot steps coming towards my bedroom door, and then I heard a knock. "GO AWAY!" I yelled back. "I'm sorry Khloe. He loves you, I promise he does. He is just an arse. I'll be okay. I'm here for you."She is so sweet but I just missed him so much and he cheated on me and I can't handle this. I can't believe he forgot me after everything we have been through. 


"Harry?" I asked him. 


"Promise me..... Promise me, no matter what happens you won't forget me... You won't forget us?" 

He pulled me towards him in a hug "I promise I will NEVER forget you.. Or us. I love you so much." 

He kissed me and then that was it he left... 


He lied to me!! That.. That.. That.. Arsehole!! I wasn't even sad anymore. I was furious. He said he loved me. He said he would never forget me. But I guess all that game went to his head. I rolled my eyes.


Look, you have to tell the magazine that you are single. We have to keep your bad boy look going. It makes all the fans go crazy." Management told me. 

But I didn't want to be known as a 'bad boy' I wanted to be know as 'the boy in love with Khloe' and 'the faithful boyfriend of Khloe'... I just hope she dosn't see the magazine. I frowned at the thought of her seeing the magazine and her beautiful frail heart just breaking in half..

I had a tear in my eye so I quickly wiped it away so the boys wouldn't see, but they did anyway.

"Harry, you okay mate?" Liam Is always so much like a father/ best friend to us. He is always concerned and ready to help us with whatever life throws at us..

"Yeah.. I'm fine." My voice cracked at the end.

"Ya sure mate? You need anything?" 

I'm glad Liam is here. He is such a good friend.

"Yeah, I am sure. I don't need anything Liam. I am fine. I promise." 

I sounded a little more convincing but not much.

"Okay." He just let it go and the rest of the car ride he didn't talk about it anymore. I just missed Khloe so much. I wanted to hold her small body in my arms and tell her everything was going to be okay and that I loved her.

I hadn't talked to her in 6 months now.

I don't want to text her back because I don't want to hurt her anymore.

After the magazine was published she completely stopped texting me. She used to text me everyday just to tell me that she loved and missed me. After boot camp I stopped 100% from texting her. But management made me stop because they didn't want us to be together because she wasnt a 'bad girl' enough for me and I HAVE to be thought of as 'bad boy styles' I rolled my eyes.

All the boys and I have become best mates now. We talk about everything and anything together. Only Louis knew about Khloe...


He texted me? He texted me.. He texted me!!!!! Ahhhhh!! Wait no, stop Khloe. You hate him, he broke your heart. Just ignore him.... No text him back! He loved you. Wait what am I saying... He dosn't love me.. He didn't even want to be my boyfriend. He hated me.. I kept that running through my mind so I wouldn't text him back..


I had texted her just to make sure she was okay.. But it had been days since I texted her and she hasn't texted me back.. I wish I could be there. I wish I had never went on the stupid X-Factor! It ruined my change with Khloe! I have to go see her.  


Sorry about all these short chapters, it's just I haven't slept in a week and I can't barely think straight or keep my eyes open but I'm trying my best. Lol 

Love you guys and I have writers block.... REALLY sorry. I love you guys 



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