Chapter 16

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I walked to the kitchen in Harry's shirt and underwear only on me. His shirt came down mid thigh. When I walked in Harry was cooking pancakes and singing and hasn't noticed my presence yet. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He jumped from being scared. "Hey handsome." I kissed his shoulder. "You scared the hell out'a me, angel." I giggled at him and walked to get a pancake that he had just finished. I put it on a plate and Jumped up on the counter and started to eat. "Why so happy?" I asked him.

"Cause' I have the most beautiful girlfriend ever, and I just love you so much." He told me. "No, I have the most beatific girlfriend ever." I told him with a straight face but inside I was laughing my bum off. "Har har. Your so funny." He said sarcastically. "I was serious. Eleanor is so pretty." I couldn't help but smile now. "Sure.. Eleanor is... Maybe I should get with her. I'll go call her now." He said and walked off towards his phone. "I'm glad. See ya' later. Tell El that I said she is Damn Sexy and that I'm gonna call her later so we can get married!" I yelled through the house. Harry came running back into the kitchen. "No no no no no.. Your not leaving me. I just got you back." He said he looks as if he was going to cry. "Actually your the one that was leaving you wanker. But I'm not leaving you. Never." I told him not laughing anymore. He hugged me. "I mean did you see yourself last night? That stomach. Those arms. And you got a really nice arse." I winked at him. "And the curls are pretty nice." I smiled really big at him. "Well, you know what they say, the curls get the girls." I giggled at him and bit my lip. "Don't do that." He demanded. "Do what?" I asked. "Bite your lip. If you don't stop I will have to bring you back in that bed room and-" he started to say but I cut him off not wanting to hear the naughty stuff about to come out of his mouth. "Okay!! Okay! I get it." I told him covering my ears. "Yeah. You did get it last night." He smirked. "Shut up, Harry." I told him. "That is something you weren't doing last night. You just kept screaming my name. HARRY! OH HARRY! O MY GOSH HARRY!" He laughed and I blushed and hit him. "I'm leaving." I got changed and came out in new clothes. "Don't leave I'm sorry. Don't go. I was kidding." He told me. "I was going to get coffee. I was gonna ask if you wanted to come." I smiled at him. "Oh... I guess." I put my shoes on and he came back fully clothed and put some shoes on.

-------------- 1 week later ----------------

I ran to the bathroom for the millionth time this week. I have had morning sickness. I don't know what's wrong with me but Harry said if this goes on the rest of today that he is going to take me to a doctor. Of course he walks in and pulls my hair back and waits for me to finish.

I finish and Harry hands me a toothbrush and I brush my teeth.

"We are going to the doctors today wether you like it or not" he told me.

"I know."


"Khloe Thomson?" A nurse called out. Me and Harry stood up and walked with the nurse back to a room and she left once we were both in and I sat on the table/bed. A doctor walked in not long after and he examined me and everything.

Then he came back with the news.

"Great news!" The doctor told us. "You arn't sick. You are pregnant!" He smiled at me and Harry. "Congratulations." He told us. "" Was all I could get out. I turned to Harry and his face was expressionless. "You guys will need to come back in a few weeks to check in on the baby and then we can see the gender of the child if you would like to." He continued. "Okay. That's fine." Harry finally spoke up. "Can we go?" He asked the doctor. "Yes. Just make sure before you leave to talk to the receptionists and set a date for the next appointment." He told us. "Okay." We both said at the same time.


We have just arrived at Harry's apartment and he didn't say anything during the car ride here. When we got here he went straight for the room and close the door. I tried to open it but he locked the door and I could hear crying.

'This is your fault. If you wouldn't have fell for Harry and let him do that stuff to you, then he wouldn't be like this.' My shelf conscious told me.

Maybe it is my fault. Maybe he hates me. What if-

My thoughts were cut off by the door opening and Harry walking out. He walked towards me. "You arn't having the baby." He told me. "Wh- what? What do you mean?!" I asked. "You're getting an abortion. NOW!" He yelled at me. "No! I'm not aborting this child. It's not just your choice Harry! It's my choice too!" I shouted at him. "It's going to ruin my career! You selfish bitch!" He yelled at me. I started crying. "I'm selfish? Well.. You are worried about ruining your career so you want to kill a living person inside of me so everything can go back to 'normal'. I'm not selfish. I have a heart, that's why I'm not aborting MY child." I told him and ran out. I ran as fast as I can to the nearest airport. I have to get out of here. Away from Harry. For good. This child inside me isn't his..

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and texted Niall.

To- Niall Irish Horan <3

At airport. Come. Don't tell anyone. Not even Harry. See you.

From- Niall Irish Horan <3

K. Be there in 10. Everything ok?

I won't tell anybody.

To- Niall Irish Horan <3

I will tell you when you get here. Ok. See ya' then. Thanks.

I saw Niall after 10 min. And he ran up to me when he saw me too.

"What wrong?" He asked me.

"I'm pregnant." I answered him.

"Congratulations!" He shouted and picked me up and spun me around.

"Where is Harry? Why are you at the airport?" He looked confusingly at me.

"Harry is the problem. He brought me to the doctor and when the doctor told him that he just.. He wouldn't do anything he just brought us to his flat and when we got there he went straight to his room shut and locked the door then later he came out and blew up on me saying to get a abortion and that I'm a selfish b cause' it's going to ruin his career." I took a long breath because when I was saying all that I didn't breath in between. Niall looked so mad. If it was possible steam would be coming out of his head.

"I'm going to kill that-"




"Where are you going?" He frowned.

"I don't know yet. I'm going to travel around and I'm going to find a man to marry and love me and my child." I told him. "I love ya' Khloe."

"I love you too Ni." I told him back.




She is pregnant!! Yay! But Harry dosn't want it?! Where is she going? Will Harry find her or will she find a man to love her and her child?

Love you guys. Lol see ya' later! :)



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