Chapter 10

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They all sat in the booth and then I saw a 4th person with them.. He had curly hair.. Oh no.... I hope it's not... OMG! It is...


Oh. My. Freaking. Gosh.  There he is... Harry freaking heartbrake Styles... No wonder all the boys looks so familar... They are ONE DIRECTION! The band that Harry is in... HOLY FREAKING CRAP! OHHH NOOO! 

Don't cry..

Don't cry..

Do't cry..


I kepy telling myslef that. "Hey Khloe!" Niall kissed me on the cheek. "Hey, babe." I smiled widly at him and looked back at his friends. "Hello, I'm Khloe. What are your names?" I smiled at them all exept it... it meaning Harry. I didn't even look at him.. "Hi! I'm Louis!" He was really loud.. Haha.. The next one had short cut hair.. Like idk just really short.. "Hi.. I'm Liam." He smiled sweetly at me. He seems more of like a responcible type.. The next had his hair in like a quiff. "Hi, I'm Zayn." He smirked.. I didn't even look to Harry for a answer. "well, it is nice to meet you all.." All exept Harry i thought to myself. 

Just then the waitor walked up. "Hello, May I get you all anything? Drinks? Any appetizers?"  I really wanted to leave and get away from  Harry. thats what I wanted. "I will take a Sweet Tea." I smiled at the waitor. 

After everyone ordered drinks and he came back with them They started asking me questions. I felt like I was getting interrogated.. 


It was a really nice dinner.. But the whole time, I cou;d feel Harry staring at me. It was kinda getting on my nerves.. Me and Harry were outside. Niall went to pay and so did the others. Harry didn't eat and Niall insisted that he pay for mine. after a while I finally gave up and let him pay.. 

"WHAT?!" I snapped at Harry. "What do you mean?" He acted like he didn't know. "Why do you keep staring at me? Do I have something on my face?" I was getting aggervated that he was playing stupid. He knows what I am talking about. "I don't know-" He was cut off by the guys coming out of the restaurant. "Hey guys!" Niall hapily yelled to us. "Hey." I smiled at him. He is so cute. 

All the boys are alredy walking to the car exept Harry and Niall. Harry just walked a few feet away and looked away from us. "Thank you for dinner. It was great. We should do it again sometime, maybe next time just you and me though, I mean don't get ,me wrong. I really like your friends.. Just maybe next time we could spend some time alone." I smiled at him. "Yeah, That would be great." He smiled back, Understanding what I meaqnt. 

Harry turned around and this is my chance to show him that I don't want him anymore and that I have moved on. I put my arms around Nialls neck and pulled him closer untill are lips met. I didn't feel anything though. Nothing. Not like when I kissed Harr- Nevermind.. Our lips were moving in sync. You could tell he was enjoying it more than me. He wasn;t a bad kisser... It's just. I guess I really never had a crush on him at all. Maybe I just thought he was hot. because he deffinatly is. His tounge was at the bottom of my lips begging for entrance, I opened my mouth and our tounges were dancing..

When we pulled apart I smiled at Niall and then after Niall and I exstanged a goodnight hand he turned around to walk away, I looked at Harry and he looks furious I could practicly see the steam comeing from his ears. His mouth was hanging open and his eyes were kinda wide. I think I saw a tear roll down his cheek. 

When I got closer to him, Walking towards my car. I said, "Close you mouth, Love. You might catch flys."  and walked off and jumped in my car.


When I got home I relized how exausted a I was. I hurried and took out my phone to text Niall.

To- Niallers <3

Had a great time tonight! Have a good night sleep. BTW you are one hell of a kisser. ;)

To- Khloe bear! <3

Had a great time also. You to and you werent so bad yourself, babe. ;)

I put my phone on the charger and then jumped on my bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light..


Hope you enjoyed the chapter. :) Ohhhhh! Harry seems jelly! ;) 


~Katelyn                                                                                                                                                                    Xoxo

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