Chapter 9

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I felt like doing a authors note before and after my chapter, not all the time but sometimes. So how old are all my readers? Just wondering. Lol. Love ya'll.

please follow me on instagram @TaylorSwiftFanPageLolz



Niall is great. I am calling him right now to ask if he is busy today. I wanted to go out for maybe movie and a dinner. That is what I needed right now. And then a person on the other end of the phone interupted my thoughts. "hello?" It wasn't Niall... I don't know who this was. "Oh, Sorry. Must have the wrong number." I quickly said but before I could hang up, "Wait! Are you looking for Niall?" Oh maybe this is his friend. "Umm... Yeah."........ "Okay, Here he is." I'm glad he was there becuase I didn't want to have to leave a message. "Hello, Khloe?" Niall.. "Hey, Niall. I was wondering if you were busy tonight. maybe we could get some dinner and maybe hit the movies." I smiled even though he can't see me. "Yes, I would love to." I could hear the smile in his voice. "But, do you mind if my mates come along?" Ummmm... I was hoping for alone time with Niall... "Yeah. sure, no problem." I lied. "Okay, thanks. see you tonight.


We of course went to Nandos. I drove there alone. I was meeting Niall and his friends there. To be honest, I was kinda scared. What if his friends don't like me? What if they say i'm not god enough for Niall....? I just let the thought go. Don't worry Khloe. Niall likes you so they should be happy.. Otherwise they arn't that great of friends... Right? Right.


"Harry.. Please come with? I want you to meet her." Harry was still sad for the reason nobody knew but Lou and Hazza... He hasn't left this bed in I don't know how long. He needs to take a shower, he reeks. Makes me gag just thinking about it. I dont know how Lou can stand the stinch..

"FINE! For you Niall. But when we get back home, I am coming straight back to my room." Yes! "YES!! THANK YOU HAZZA! I would hug you... but I would drop dead.." I teased him. He looked at me weird and shoved us all out, a few moments later I heard the shower turn on. FINALLY HE IS TAKING A SHOWER! I smirked, I'm awesome. I got Harry out of bed and on top of that got him to take a shower and leave the house and to top it off, I got a date. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH!!!


We all jumped out of the van and walked inside. I looked around the restaurant for her.. and there she was.. She looked amazing. She wore a beautiful blue dress, One strap, tight in all the right places and the shoulder with the one strap had a sleeve. She had some blue high heals on that you could see the toes. She had a Silver shiny bracelet on. Her hair was down and she was looking down at her phone.When I finally reached her I saw she was on twitter and she quickly hit follow me and locked her phone. I turned around to the boys and they were all drooling over her exept Harry, wich is odd for him. He looked sad when he looked at her. Lou was right there conforting him. weird. huh? We all sid into the booth and then she saw Harry and her eyes popped out of her sockets. She looked....Mad?...Sad?.....Shocked?.... I dont know.. It was wierd. I hope she is okay.


I was looking through my twitter. I saw I had one new follower and it was Niall. I went to his profile and was amazed to see how many followers he had... Thats weird becuase there is no way he has that many friends... Maybe thats why he was so familiar.. Maybe he is a singer or in a band or something like that. Then someone tapped my shoulder, I quickly hit follow to where I was following Niall and then I locked my phone quicvkly and then turned around to see the person who tapped me. It was Niall.. He had 3 friends with him. 

They all sat in the booth and then I saw a 4th person with them.. He had curly hair.. Oh no.... I hope it's not... OMG! It is...





~KATELYN                                                                                                                                                               XOXO

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