Chapter 20

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--------------5 months later--------------

Me and Harry are laying down in bed watching tv when a contraction hit. "Ow!" I screech. "You alright?" Harry asked. "Yea, I'm fine. Funny, I thought I just had a contraction but I still have a month till I give bith, cause it has only been 8 months." I told him. "Babe, when you are having twins you give birth a month earlier." He told me. Then I felt something leaking Down my leg. WHAT THE HECK! I looked and It was water. I turned to Harry. "I'm in labor, lets get to the hospital." I told Harry calmly. I got out of bed and grabbed my bag full of cloths and other stuff I will need and walked out of the room grabbing the car keys. I walked back in the bedroom and Harry was sitting there in shock. "Are you just going to sit there or are you coming with?" I snapped him out of thought. He jumped up and ran to the car.

We just got at the hospital and Harry was driving like a maniac on the way here. "Hi, my wife is in labor and we need a doctor right now." He told her panicky. She looked at him like he was crazy and nodded typing stuff into the computer. I think it is cute how he already calls me his wife but we arn't even married yet.

---------------2 hours later---------------

"Push! Your doing great! Just one more push!" The doctor is telling me. I'm giving birth! To twins! I just got the first baby out, now for the other. Harry is right beside me holding my hand telling me how great I'm doing. "Push!" The doctor told me. I pushed, and pushed and pushed and pushed etc. finally over. "Their girls!" the doctor exclaimed. I relaxed. I saw over in the corner they were cleaning both the baby's and putting diapers on them and blankets and hats. Then a sharp pain shot through my stomach. I cried out in pain. The doctor ran back over to my side. "There's another!" He shouted. I pushed until the baby was out. I just freaking had triplets. Wow. "It's a boy!" He shouted. I looked over to Harry who was crying happy tears. He kissed my forehead and hugged me while still holding my hand. "You did so good, baby. I love you so much!" He told me. "I love you too." I smiled.

The doctor brought over my baby girls, "would you like to hold them?" He asked. I nodded my head fast. He handed me my two baby girls and I held them close. I looked to Harry and he was holding our baby boy. He looked just like Harry. He had piercing green eyes and curly hair. I know what you are thinking. 'Baby's dont have hair' but this baby got a nice head of hair. My girls looked like me. But one of them looked like me and Harry mixed. The one in my left arm looked exactly like me, but the one in my right arm was the mixture. She had my hair, Harry's eyes, my noes, Harry's pink plump lips. She was adorable. All three were the cutest babies ever to walk this earth! We make beautiful baby's.

A nurse came in later, "Have you thought of names?" She asked. Me and Harry have actually thought of perfect names. "Yes, we have." I smiled sweetly at my baby's. I was holding the girl that looked like me and Harry. I pointed to her, "this one is going to be Brooklyn Paige Styles." I told her. I pointed to the one that looked like me, "her name is going to be Abigail Grace Styles." Then I pointed to our son, "his name is going to be Keyth Evan Styles." I told her their names. She nodded her head, wrote it on the birth certificates and handed it to me I signed them then handed it to Harry and he signed them and handed it back to the lady. She walked out of the room to go do whatever she does.

Later on all the guys came with their girlfriends to visit and meet the baby's. Eleanor walked up with the rest. "See they are adorable!" She squealed. "What are their names?" She asked. "This one is Brooklyn Paige, this one is Abigail Grace, and this little one is Keyth Evan. But we are going to call them Brooke, Abby, and Keyth is staying the same." I told them. Eleanor, Perrie, Danielle, and Katelyn squealed this time. "Wait. You said you were having twins and that they were both girls." Zayn pointed out. "They didn't know that I was going to be having triplets. I don't know. I guess they like didn't see it cause' the girls were laying on him?" I laughed. "Wow, Harry really got it in, didn't he?" Louis smirked at Harry. I blushed and Harry laughed while playing with Abigail. He had been stuck by the hip to that girl. He told me its cause she looks just like me. He is so sweet. We are getting married in a month. I can't wait to finally call him my husband.


They had triplets!! Yay! Cute names? Lol

Stay beautiful my lovely Carrots!



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