Chapter 6

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"Wake up, Hazza!!" Louis if shouting while shaking me.


"HARREH!! Get up! Nialll is eating the refrigerator!" Louis is still shaking me. I throw him off me onto the floor with a loud THUD.

Louis is making a fake hurt expression "How could you hurt your boo bear?! I thought you loved me harreh!" He's fake crying. "I guess you don't. I'm telling Liam on you." He runs out of the room and I still hear his fake crying and he is telling Liam what I did.

"Harry, how could you!" Liam shouts as he walks in while his arms around Louis while Louis is fake crying onto his shoulder.

"But li.. He wouldn't let me alone and I'm knackered." I say back while fake crying. "Shouldn't you be giving meh a shoulder to cry on?! He is the one that was being mean." I fake cry into my pillow.

"You're are the one that threw me on the floor, and I love li more than you now." He yells back and continues to fake cry into Liam's shoulder and Liam is rubbing his hand on Louis's back whispering in his ear it will be okay and giving me fake nasty looks.

"Awww.. I'm sorry boobear. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." I say back.

He took his head off of Liams shoulder and came and hugged me, "I forgive you." He smiled.

"HEY!" Liam shouted.

"Hey, Liam. Whats up?!" I laughed at them and went to the put on some sweat pants and went to the kitchen to cook breakfast. and he was right, Niall is eating like all the refrigerator while my mom is standing there watching him do it. 

I had gotten home just yesterday, I hadn't yet went over to Khloe's house to tell her how I feel and that i still want to be with her. I will go today. In fact, I will go right now... After I put on some actual clothes.


I was at her front door, I still hadn;t built up the nerve to knock on the door. I have been on her porch for about a half hour now and i'm still trying to think of what i'm going to say to her.

Then the door opened, and there she was. She looked a mess. She must  have seen that magazine. Maybe thats why she never texted me back.. When she opened the door I saw Pain, anger, shock, and love in her face. When she recovered she hurried up and walked past me hitting my shoulder with her shoulder on the way.

"Khloe wait!" I yelled back to her.

"What the heck do you want Harry, You broke my heart already. Wasn't that enough?" She yelled at me, She was trying to hold back tears.

"I know that i broke your heart. I'm sorry. Please forgive me?" I whispered but i said it loud enough for her to hear. 

"NO! Harry I don't want you anymore. I don't want you here. So just go and leave me alone! If i never see you again that would be to soon."  That broke me. Those words kept playing in my mind whule she was walking away from me. I coudn't even move. I couldn't find myself to move to go after her. then soon enough she was out of sight. 

I went back home and when I came through the door everyone turned around and looked at me with questioning looks, I ignored them and ran upstairs to my room and jumped in bed and cryed my eyes out.


You will never be good enough for her.

she dosn't love you.

you broke her.

you ruined her life with your stupidness.

she hates you.

"If i never see you again, That will be to soon!"


I woke up with fresh tears in my eyes. I must have been crying in my sleep.




"Harry, you alright mate?" It was Louis. He had his head peeked through the door. when he saw me awake he came in and shut the door behind himself.

"No, I'm not. Lou, You didn't hear what she said to me. I broke her. I reget even going on X-Factor becuase it just skrewed up my chanced with her." I shouted while crying.

"Harry, It couldn't have been that bad. Even if, she loves you. I know of it. She will forgive you. You just have to gove her time." He wasn't helping much but I like his compony. It lets me know that i'm not in thus alone. 


I know, I know. I took forever to update and i'm sorry. I have been real busy and sick. But umm.. Oh, the last chapter I put up, Somehow messed up and got put in the wrong order. So It is the chapter before my authors note. Oh and btw i'm going to just start to put stuff like Chapter 1 and stuff like that now, cause i'm lazy and don't like to make up names for stuff... So yeah. :

~Katelyn                                                                                                                                                                   Xoxo

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