Chapter 2: Evil Men + School = Bad

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Mr. Peterson was getting dangerously close to my bookcase. I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up straight. I looked up and closed my eyes hopelessly, then it hit me. When Mr. Peterson comes to my bookcase I can climb over the case and make a run for it! I can be such a genius that I sometimes scare myself on how smart I can be.

I got to my feet but stayed crouching down, so I wouldn’t be seen by Mr. Fancy Pants. As he approached my hiding spot I leaped over the bookcase, knocking a few books off the top. Mr. Peterson had a look of surprise on his face, which made me grin. I landed on the other side and ran for it. On my way to the door I grabbed a chair and kindly threw it at his face. Take that Mr. Peterson! “What’s going on?!” Christal screamed at me while Meghan looked shocked and terrified. If only I could tell them the truth. If only I could.

“Um...I don’t know! Gotta run!” I yelled back as I pushed the door that was labeled “ticket to heaven” in my mind. Yeah I’ll take one ticket out of crazy lane.

I ran down the hallways. Teachers and other students didn’t really look too thrilled about my rampaging through the school. I honestly doubted they knew anything that was going on though so I could care less on their opinions. All I was focused on was finding SkyBird before a freak-a-zoid did. I just hoped and prayed Mr. Peterson was the only one here.

I peaked into Mr. Webb’s room and didn’t see SkyBird or Hannah. What if they already headed back to the library? What if that Mr. Peterson guy sees them? I shook the thoughts out of my head. No. SkyBird knows better than to stay in the same room with a guy that is dressed as suspiciously as Mr. Peterson.

“Hey Hero,” a familiar voice said as I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I probably jumped ten feet in the air. I turned around and was relieved to see SkyBird and Hannah.

“You scared me!” I said as I breathed a sigh of relief. SkyBird smiled and so did Hannah. I grinned back at them then noticed another man in the same outfit Mr. Peterson was wearing. Oh great there were more of them! “Um...hey why don’t we go to the cafeteria!” I said as I dragged them both towards the cafeteria. I prayed that the man didn’t notice us. Once we were in the cafeteria I sighed yet again.

“Why were you in such a hurry to drag us to the cafeteria?” SkyBird questioned.

“Because I just saw “someone” I really didn’t feel like running into,” I tried to explain without making it obvious that people were after us. Nobody but SkyBird and I needed to know about that.

“Who did you see?” Hannah asked. I was hoping she wouldn’t ask that question.

“Uh...just some upperclassmen you know. Nothing serious,” I lied. I didn’t have the heart to tell Hannah about the people watching SkyBird and I. It would be too heart-breaking, not to mention put her in danger. And that was something I just wouldn’t allow myself to do.

SkyBird’s face turned pale. I turned to what she was looking at and almost had a heart attack. Five men in the outfits we knew meant bad. They were all staring at us dead in the eyes. I quickly needed to think of a plan. They’re were creepy men claiming to be with a group called C.S.D. in our school. They probably weren’t with that organization, and I don’t even think there’s an organization called that.

“Hannah why don’t you go to library. SkyBird and I will catch up in a minute,” I said trying to get Hannah out of the line of fire before a war broke out.

“Okay. I’ll see you both later,” Hannah replied as she walked towards the library. I turned to SkyBird and then looked in the men’s direction. They were starting to walk towards us.

“RUN!” I yelled out as SkyBird and I rushed out of the cafeteria and into the hallway. Too bad we had forgotten about that other man in the hallway, who now had three more buddies with him. SkyBird and I turned around and were greeted by the sight of six men blocking our other route out. Okay so there’s five men in the cafeteria, one man in the library, four men on one side of the hallway, and six men on the other side. That means there’s probably around sixteen men and more. So my question is how are two fourteen year old girls going to beat or escape from more than sixteen grown men? Simple. We fight ‘em. Now for all you readers who are wondering how can we fight them all? Well SkyBird and I are “special”. We’re stronger than most are...well at least I am anyways. And besides I have a weapon with me. My trusty scissors that I carry on me just in case.

“Give up now! There’s no use fighting!” one of them yelled at us. They didn’t have any guns on them, at least not out for everyone to see. I looked around to see what the others students and teachers were doing. All the students were either up against the walls and lockers or hiding in classrooms. Well obviously none of the students were going to help us out. But how about the teachers? They were all in shock and had their doors locked to protect the students. I’m guessing none of them would open their door for us.

I quickly reached into my pocket for my scissors, “So you guys are from the C.S.D. right?”

“Sure you could say that,” one of the men replied with a fake smile that told me he was lying.

“Well then I have something to show you,” I replied, trying to look tough and unfazed.

“What?” the man asked looking annoyed at me already. I grinned and pulled my scissors out.

“This!” I yelled as I threw them straight at one of the men. The blades pierced the man in his stomach. He went down like he had been kicked hard. Except that instead of getting a small bruise like you would from a kick he was bleeding out from the wound left by my scissors, which were also not the cleanest scissors in the world.

“Let’s get out of here!” I yelled as I grabbed SkyBird by the arm and ran. We easily pushed through the four men that blocked our way. Actually we pretty much ran them over, but hey, I guess pushing is the same thing. SkyBird and I ran into the girl’s bathroom and stayed back against the door. There was no way that they would come in here. Unless they wanted to be scarred by seeing what the girl’s bathroom looked like. Besides if they came in here I would be forced to give them a swirly, which to me would be pretty funny.

“What do we do?!” SkyBird shrieked. She looked pale and scared to death. I honestly didn’t blame her.

“Quiet down! They might hear us,” I whispered as I tried to calm SkyBird down. I had to think fast. We needed a way out but the men probably had all our exits blocked. Or at least most of them. I slowly slid down onto the floor. And held my hands up to both sides of my head. How where we going to survive this one? SkyBird and I jumped from the sound of loud banging on the other side of the door. This was it. They had found us and we were trapped like a cat trapping a bird. Looks like our luck had run out.

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