Chapter 14: Stealing from Walmart

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Sunlight gently shined on us. A warm breeze helped us fly faster. We had decided to soar and glide instead of flapping. It’s much more easier than using up all our energy flapping our wings. I could see the rocky mountains of Colorado in the distance.

“Colorado better be prepared for us,” Connor said with a serious tone which made the joke pretty funny. SkyBird smiled and I grinned.

“Yeah cause we’re gonna start an earthquake,” SkyBird joked. For anyone who didn’t get the joke. SkyBird was just joking about how we’re gonna take AWTOK’s facility down in Colorado.

We landed on a rocky area that people could only get to by air. It was too small though for a helicopter to land, so that was a double plus for us.

“We need to get headsets,” I said to Connor and SkyBird as we looked down at a city in Colorado.

“They probably have a tech store around here,” SkyBird replied as we all flew down to ground level. We landed in a fairly hidden area so no one would see winged teenagers. We all folded our wings in and walked around trying to find a tech store.

“Look!” Connor said pointing to a Walmart. We all ran towards the huge store. Walmart had about everything. They had to have headsets somewhere in that store. We all rushed over to the technology part of Walmart.

“Look at those headsets!” SkyBird whooped as Connor and I looked at them. They were really cool looking. It was the type where this black head band goes on your head, a black piece goes over one ear, then has a piece that goes out in front of your mouth to speak. There was only one small problem about getting the headsets. Each headset costed $60.99 each! We only had around $50 of money.

“We don’t have enough money,” I replied to SkyBird and Connor. Connor shook his head and smirked.

“We don’t need money,” Connor replied.

“Connor don’t-” SkyBird started.

“We need this more than anyone realizes. The world depends on it. If they can’t realize that then that’s there own faults, not our faults,” Connor said as he smashed the glass that held the headsets. He handed SkyBird and I each a headset then put one on his own head. We all turned the channel to a channel the 43 Things members had made for us to all communicate. Not only that but if 43 Things members went on tiny chat there was an app that allowed them to be able to communicate with us.

Alarms went off and security guards, shoppers, and employees spotted us stealing the headsets. “Take off! Right wing it!” SkyBird shouted. We all outstretched our wings. We weren’t human. We had instincts that naturally kicked in when in danger or being threatened. We all flew up then right winged it towards the exit. I noticed the doors wouldn’t be able to open fast enough at the speed we were going. I strained to get in front of Connor and SkyBird. I probably hit speeds up to one hundred and seventy as I got in front of them. I dipped my wing to the left towards the big glass window. We were going to have to smash through the window to escape.

“Hero! Bus!” Connor called out. I looked and saw the one thing I never thought I would see parked in Walmart. Four freaking school buses with grades from nine to twelve! They were probably here to do some food drive of that sorts.

“Enemies!” SkyBird screeched loudly. I looked and saw something that I never wanted to see again, especially at Walmart. A bunch of black cars with those men outside. Worst part was that Dr. Xander was there, staring right at us! I was pretty baffled. The school buses were right near all the black cars. Great. Just great.

We smashed through the glass easily. All the students and teachers were staring at us in disbelief. The men and Dr. Xander on the other hand didn’t look surprised at all.

“Don’t kill them. I want them alive. They could be of use to me for in the war,” Dr. Xander ordered. The men all nodded and revealed guns. My guess was that each gun was loaded with tranquilizers. Now things were starting to get interesting. No more relaxing. It was the time to fight. The time to stand out and be seen. It was time for all non-humans to come out of hiding. And. Show. Themselves.

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