Chapter 12: Trouble in the Sky

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We all flew high in the sky. The stars twinkled above us. I felt a sense of independence. No. Heroism. That’s what I was feeling. I was feeling like a super hero going off to fight the big bad guy. Only difference is that the big bad guy was actually a whole freaking army! Doubt Superman or Batman could take on a whole army of mutated experiments. They weren’t born with their abilities like flying and that sort, unlike SkyBird, Connor, and I who were born with the DNA. It just didn’t show until we grew older.

I looked over and saw SkyBird trying to get her silhouette on the moon. Connor was also trying to do the same. I laughed as I watched them. It was cute and funny at the same time. I noticed something in the distance while watching my two friends. It looked like a black blob in the air, but after looking at it for a few minutes I realized what it was. A helicopter that was coming right at us! “SkyBird! Connor! Look behind you!” I shouted. They both turned around and we all instinctively flew straight up. The helicopter flew up towards us. Oh no! Was it AWTOK?! God this can’t be happening.

“DIVE DOWN!” SkyBird screamed as we all dive bombed towards the ground. No pilot would dare try and fly towards the ground. That would risk crashing. Any logical pilot would know that. I’m not even a pilot and I know that! But apparently whoever was flying this psycho helicopter didn’t because they followed us.

“SEPARATE!” Connor ordered as we all instantly separated from each other as fast as we could. Hopefully this tactic would confuse the pilot so they would have to land. Connor went straight up. SkyBird right winged it. That meant I either would have to left wing it or dive even lower. I chose to go lower to the ground. It was the safer choice because the helicopter would have trouble maneuvering near the land.

“Help me out!” SkyBird hollered. I looked up to the right and saw that the helicopter was flying towards SkyBird. My SkyBird. Oh no, they did not just decide to go after my twin sis! I powerfully shot up into the sky like a bullet. I was aimed at the helicopter and I wasn’t going to let fear stop me. I’m not afraid of death or dying.

I was about four feet from the helicopter when it seemed that everything went in slow motion. Connor looked terrified and SkyBird had her hands over her eyes. I saw that a man in the helicopter had a gun pointed straight at me. I didn’t have time to think or dodge the bullet. It pierced me right through my chest. Everything started to fade and mix together. The last thing I heard was the shrieks of SkyBird and Connor as I succumbed to my wound.

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