Chapter 4: Face Your Fears

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We were running as fast as our legs could run. Even when we were out of breath we kept running. It’s not like we had a choice. We soon stopped and rested on a log. SkyBird and I had decided to travel by woods so no one would spot us and tell the police so they could track us down. “So should we travel by you know what?” I asked SkyBird as we got our breath back.

“Yeah we should,” SkyBird agreed. She and I never really fought about plans and what we should do. We both just automatically knew what should be done. Call it a twin thing or twin instinct. I stood on the log and stretched before we took off. Oh yeah I forgot to mention what we do. Okay remember in the first chapter when we did something that got us to school with fifteen minutes to spare? Well we have a gift. The gift to fly. Not like levitation or magic. Just good old fashioned wings.

I outstretched my wings and let the wind pull me up. SkyBird was up already and just ten feet above me. I grinned at her as I powerfully flapped my wings.

“Hey SkyBird I have an idea, but it’s really risky,” I said as we soared high above the trees.

“What is your risky plan?” SkyBird asked with a smile on her face. I hoped she would like this idea.

“Well I think we should head back to the school. The students might be in danger and these men might kill them for witnessing what happened,” I explained.

SkyBird thought for a moment then sighed, “Sure but we don’t fly in the building. Only outside.”

“Okay,” I replied as we both turned around to face our fears. We knew what should be done. We had to take these guys down and get them away from our school. It’s the right thing to do. It’s for the safety of the students and teachers, and for the safety of the town. Ugh...sometimes being a hero is hard, but it is my name after all, and it’s SkyBird and my duty.

We landed about one mile away from our school and walked the rest of the way. SkyBird and I were getting the willies and goosebumps the closer we got. I swear I thought my heart was going to jump out of my throat and leave for France.

“So you ready for this?” SkyBird asked as we walked up the road to the high school. I nodded my head but my legs were shaking. They wanted to turn around and make a run for it, but I wouldn’t let them. I need you legs so don’t go running off!

We slowly pushed open the front doors and walked into the building. I had the feeling of hatred, evil, and bad. I wanted to throw up and just appear at home, but life never worked that way. I held my breath as we both peaked into the office. No one was there. “Where are they?” I said to SkyBird and myself.

“Looking for you,” a voice answered behind us. We both turned around and were tackled to the ground by some of those men. I kicked, punched, and struggled as much as I could, but it was helpless. SkyBird was also tossing, turning, and trying to escape.

“HELP! SOMEONE HELP US!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. SkyBird starting screaming for help too. I prayed that a teacher or a student would hear and save us. We were trapped again but this time there was no way out.

I heard footsteps coming our way and saw it as our only hope. But then my hope flew south when I realized it was Mr. Herrington. He walked into the office and spoke into the intercom, “Please ignore the screaming. It’s just two frightened students. We are doing our very best to calm them down. Please continue with classes and don’t leave your classrooms until I say.” SkyBird and I stopped screaming at that point. Was the point of it? No one was going to help us now.

“HELP US! THE PRINCIPAL AND THESE MEN ARE KIDNAPPING US! PLEASE HELP!” I screamed one last time. I just prayed and prayed someone would come to their senses and realize what was really going on.

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