Chapter 5: Hiding

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One of the men grabbed a syringe out of his pocket and jabbed it into SkyBird’s arm. She struggled at first then was out like a light. My eyes widened in fear and anger. I hated shots! HATED THEM! There was no way I was gonna let some weird guy give me a shot! I bit down hard on a hand that had my arm pinned down. The man screamed in pain as he loosened his grip. It gave me just enough time to squirm out and run for it. I grabbed SkyBird by her waist and sprinted. SkyBird was pretty light if you exclude the wings. Her wings probably weighed around seventy pounds each! That meant she weighed around two hundred and thirty pounds all together! I weighed around two hundred and thirty five pounds. That’s only a five pound difference.

I ran into Mrs. Leavit’s room. She was the spanish and french teacher. Hannah, Christal, and other students were in the classroom going over spanish words when I ran in with SkyBird in my arms.

“What are you doing in here?” Mrs. Leavit asked looking shocked.

“The principal and these men were trying to kidnap my sister and I! The principal was letting them! They want to hurt us! Help us!” I begged. I began putting everything I could in front of the door. It would take them a while to get through with everything I put in front of that door!

“Wait, wait, wait. So you mean Mr. Herrington is helping those men that were in the school earlier?!” Christal questioned. She looked confused and probably didn’t know what was going on.

“Yeah!” I managed to reply back to Christal. I was very frantic to get out of this building with SkyBird. No one in this school knew what it was like to have to run from people that want to hurt you then kill you.

“Come out Hero. We know you’re in there. We’re not going to hurt you. We promise,” I heard Mr. Herrington say on the other side of the door. I grabbed SkyBird and backed as far away from the door as I could. I wished I could scream my head off, but I knew I couldn’t. Every student and Mrs. Leavit stayed silent. I bet they were all scared our of their minds. The men and Mr. Herrington were banging on the door, trying to get in. I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth. This can’t be happening! This can’t be happening! This just can’t be happening!

The door came opened and they pushed against it to get through all the objects I put in front of the door. I put my hands over my mouth to stop myself from screaming. I looked over at Christal and Hannah to see what they were doing. They were both frozen in fear. I gave them a look of helplessness. Hannah looked sympathetic while Christal just looked plain scared. “Don’t be scared Hero. We’re not going to hurt you. We promise. We just have to give you a small shot to help you relax,” Mr. Peterson said with a calm smile. They were trying to paint themselves as the good guys, but it wasn’t working on me.

“No!” I protested as I blocked SkyBird from them. I looked from side to side and knew that I had to make myself look bigger and tougher than these men. I outstretched my wings as far as I could. Everyone in the room gasped. My wings were very big and had a wingspan that was bigger than the classroom! I had to angle my wings upward and bend them for my whole wingspan to fit.

Mr. Peterson clapped, “Bravo Hero. Thank you for showing your wings to this classroom. You see everyone this is the reason we need them. SkyBird and Hero are different! They have different DNA. They are not human!”

“W-what’s going on?” SkyBird asked as she came to reality. I was relieved that I wouldn’t have to fight alone.

“SkyBird!” I screamed in excitement as I turned around and hugged her. SkyBird’s eyes grew big as she saw my wings.

“I thought we weren’t gonna show anyone our wings!” She said with wide eyes.

“There’s no use hiding them anymore,” I replied turning back to the whack jobs. SkyBird nodded and revealed her wings. They were elegant and made her look more graceful than before.

“Well shall we start this fight or what?” Mr. Peterson said with an evil grin. I smirked and glared at them. SkyBird was also beaming. We may be young, but like I said we’re different. We’re stronger, smarter, faster, and special.

I clenched my fists, “Come at us!” SkyBird and I grabbed a table and threw it at them. We make a pretty good team if you ask me. The men came at us. One grabbed SkyBird by the throat and sent her towards the wall. A man came at me and punched in the shoulder. I dropped down grabbed onto their legs. The man came down and hit his head off the ground. Good.

“If you think we’re going to let you both win you’re wrong!” Mr. Peterson shouted as he came at me. I jumped to my feet and we ended up smacking foreheads. I fell back down and held my head in pain. SkyBird kicked the man who had her by the throat in the stomach. She squeezed out of his grip and grabbed a chair.

“Take this Mr. Psycho!” SkyBird screamed as she smacked the guy in the head with the chair. I heard the horrific crunch as the chair hit his skull. The man fell to the ground. He was dead alright. I felt a sense of tiredness overwhelm me. I looked down and saw a tranquilizer dart in my leg. I pulled it out and glared at Mr. Peterson as my vision faded. I was afraid. Not because I had been tranquilized, but that I knew where I would wake up. In a cage in a lab with others who had been kidnapped by these men. Trust me not the best way I want to wake up.

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