Chapter 8: The Great Escape

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We were thrown back into our cages. Dr. Eric and Mr. Peterson then left the room without saying anything.

“You guys okay? What happened? Did Dr. Xander do anything to you?” Connor asked. I’m pretty sure in simple terms he was wondering if we were alright.

“We’re fine Connor,” SkyBird replied with a gentle smile. Her smile seemed to always magically warm others and calm them down. I could tell it was working on Connor.

“Hey did Dr. Xander ever tell you about the war?” I asked Connor. I wondered if Dr. Xander told all the children who were different about the whole humans vs. mutants war.

“Yeah he did. Why did he tell you both about his crazy idea to take down the human race?” Connor asked. It made me relieved to know we weren’t the only ones who knew.

“Yeah he did. Then he went into hysterics. I honestly think he needs to see a therapist, but that’s just my opinion,” I replied with a side grin.

“Yeah, he’s a real nut job!” SkyBird added with a laugh. Connor smiled at us both.

“Dr. Xander is a bit off his nutty bars. He’s definitely a mad scientist. He’s dangerous though too, so don’t let his insanity fool you into thinking he’s not a killer. He’s the master mind behind all of this,” Connor explained. I got the shivers just thinking about it all. This man was not only a lunatic, but he was also a very unstable and dangerous lunatic at that.

“We need to get out of here and warn the humans!” SkyBird said as she shook the bars of her cage.

“I know,” Connor replied. I nodded. I know Dr. Eric and Mr. Peterson told us not to tell, but it was the right thing to do. We had to to at least warn the humans of what to expect. At least give them a bit of a head start.

“So how do we get out of these cages?” SkyBird asked still trying to get hers  opened.

“Easy. We do this!” I replied as I used a thin piece of metal to pick the lock. Once I pried my cage open I walked over to SkyBird’s and unlocked hers. After about ten minutes I had unlocked every cage. All the children were very friendly and acted like normal kids, except that they totally were frightened out of their minds. There were around twenty of us in total. seven of them had animal features, four of them had gills or lizard-like skin, two of them were either blind or couldn’t talk, four of them had extra limbs, and of course three had wings, which were Connor, SkyBird, and myself.

“Let’s get out of this asylum!” Connor joked. Everyone laughed as we pushed open the door and ran out into the hallway. This was going to be the infamous great escape!

We ran down the hallways, searching for any type of exit. We were on the highest level so the only exit was to take the elevator. I wasn’t feeling real good about using the elevator because

1. I hate elevators

and 2. there might be people on the floor we go to

        Both things are obviously concerning me. Especially number two.

“This way,” Connor said as he led us to the stairs. When we all saw the door with a stairs picture on it we rushed to it. Everyone ran down all the flights of stairs to the first level. We came to another hallway on the first level. We ran down the hallway and finally saw the door we had been praying to see. The exit! All twenty of us were out of that nightmare and ran out into the woods, streets, and just everywhere.

“Look at what we did thanks to you two,” Connor said with a smile as we all took to the sky.

“I think it’s amazing!” SkyBird replied as we looked below and saw all of them traveling away from the facility.

“Yeah but there’s more facilities around the world,” I reminded them both. We had to go to the nearest facility and stop them. We had to stop all this before it’s too late. After all once the world blows up it's not like you can hit a magical rewind button. We've only got shot so we better make it count.

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