Chapter 13: Helicopters = Hide

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I looked around and saw SkyBird and Connor trying to put their silhouettes in the Moon. Wait. Didn’t this already happen?! I felt my heart pounding in my chest as I realized that I hadn’t really died, but that I would if I don’t prevent it from happening.

“SkyBird! Connor! Dive down and land! NOW!” I ordered strictly as they both swooped down to land. When they were both on the ground I grabbed them both and ran to the nearest bushy woodsy area I could find. I then hid them and myself.

“Hero what is wrong?!” Connor asked sounding a bit scared. I didn’t blame him for being scared.

“I had a vision. And I died in it,” I said in a whisper as I had the dreaded fear that the helicopter would still somehow spot us and murder me.

“Oh my gosh! What do we do?! What happened?!” SkyBird asked in a hushed tone.

“We hide. Well while you guys were doing your own thing I spotted a helicopter. We tried a few maneuvers to get the helicopter away, but none of them worked. Anyways the helicopter went after you. I got pissed and went after the helicopter. Then I got shot in the chest and died within seconds,” I answered. I didn’t want to scare them, but there’s no other way I could put my vision without being completely honest. Connor looked shocked but shook it off. SkyBird patted me on the back and tried to smile.

“Maybe we should camp out here for the night just to be on the safe side. We don’t need nor want you to die,” Connor said while he watched the sky for any signs of a helicopter. SkyBird and I nodded in agreement as we all settled down in our hiding spot for the night. We hadn’t really had time to rest since we escaped AWTOK. We had just kinda forgotten about resting. We were so caught up in stopping them.

I think it was around midnight before anyone went to sleep. I was half asleep when I heard the faint sound of a helicopter in the distance. My eyelids flew open as I held my breath and listened carefully. It sounded to be around six miles to the southeast of us. My nerves started to tense up as flashbacks of my vision started popping into my head. I felt sick to my stomach and wanted to just be back at home with SkyBird. I wanted Connor to be back with his family. I wanted things to go back to the way they used to be. You know before things went wrong.

The sound got closer and closer until I could actually see it from our hiding spot. It looked just like the helicopter I saw in my vision. It flew over us and kept flying. Good. They hadn’t spotted us, or they did and decided it was a bad idea to mess with us. Either way I was happy and content. At least we would all get to rest before we had to go up against them.

I shut my eyes and slowly drifted to sleep. For once things seemed like they would turn out alright. At least at that time. I was tired of hiding and being on the run. I bet SkyBird and Connor felt the same way. After all they both went out like light bulbs tonight. Let’s just hope tomorrow is a better day.

“Wake up Hero,” I heard a voice say. I slowly started coming to. Connor was looming over me. I freaked out and jumped up, which ended in us both smacking foreheads. That should teach him never to loom over me, scaring me when I wake up ever again!

“Ow!” I replied rubbing my forehead. Connor was holding his head in pain too. Looks like Karma got us both for something we deserved.

“Connor. Hero. Stop lounging around!” SkyBird said sternly.

“Wait what are we doing today?” I asked SkyBird since it seemed like she knew already.

“We’re heading out,” SkyBird answered. A simple and right to the point answer.

“Where to?” I asked. I was a detail person. I just needed to know all the info. and details when doing things or going places.

“Colorado,” SkyBird answered. So we were headed to the famous Colorado where Max and her gang lived in Maximum Ride.

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