Chapter 16: Special

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We flew until we were too tired to fly anymore. SkyBird, Connor, and I were all thinking about what Dr. Xander had said.

“The war has been in motion for weeks!” Dr. Xander had told us. Those words stuck inside my brain. Now most teenagers would be worrying about what they were going to wear for school tomorrow or finishing their homework on time. Connor, SkyBird, and I on the other hand had to worry about saving the entire human race. Talk about extreme worrying. “I think we need advice,” I finally said after all of the silence.

“Who do we go to?” SkyBird asked. Connor nodded and we all thought for a moment.

“I know this is gonna sound completely nuts but let’s go back to Maine. Parkman, Maine,” I replied uneasily. It was hard to say that we should go back to Parkman let alone do it.

“Okay then. Let’s go to Parkman, Maine!” Connor shouted like a caveman. SkyBird and I couldn’t help but laugh. We all turned our headsets on.

“Okay so we’re going to be going back to Maine. Anyone know the fastest route?” I asked into the mic.

“Oh hey Hero. This is Ray. If you guys start heading northeast you should get to Maine within two to three days,” Ray answered happily.

“Thanks Ray,” SkyBird thanked as we all took off in that very direction. Other members started to get on, and 43 Things members on tiny chat even got in on the conversation. We talked about everything. From homework, to saving the world, to being unique, to even talking about pets. It was a good conversation. A comforting one that reminded me that we’re not just non-human. We’re also just teenagers.

We landed in the field SkyBird and I once called our yard. Our property. Our home. Ours. The sun was just rising. Must be around 7:00 AM. It felt different though. Instead of being a warm, happy, lifting feeling it felt cold, dark, and unfamiliar. “Something’s not right,” I said as we hesitantly and cautiously walked towards the house. The van was in the driveway as usual.

“I can hear noises in the house,” SkyBird said, reassuring that there had to be at least something living in the house.

“So what’s the plan?” Connor asked curiously. I thought for a moment then shrugged.

“I don’t know. I thought that we would go in and explain everything to them. Our mother, grandfather, or grandmother might know what to go about all this. We need help guys. We’re only kids. We can’t do this on our own,” I said shaking my head.

“Yes we can. We’re special. We’re non-human. We were meant for this. Don’t you see?” SkyBird replied patting me on the shoulder.

Connor smirked, “Yeah. SkyBird’s right. We don’t need human’s help. We’re better off not getting them involved. They’ll just mess everything up, freak out, or make things way worse!” I laughed and lifted my head. SkyBird and Connor were right. We could do this.

“You guys are right. I must be losing my mind from lack of sleep. What was I thinking?! Going and telling humans and then asking them for help! I must be losing it!” I laughed.

“Uh...turn around...” Connor said with a shaky voice. SkyBird looked pale and shaky too.

“Okay but it can’t be anything too seri-” I stopped as I saw our school bus turn the corner. Oh no! “Evasive action! NOW!” I yelled as we all spread our wings and flew. Part of me wanted to show off, but I knew that it would be bad. It could cost the whole freaking town!

“Is that the twins?!” I heard a familiar voice yell from the bus. I saw from the corner of my eye my first crush. Christian. I could feel my face getting warm with embarrassment. Wait?! Why was I embarrassed about them seeing my wings?! I guess I’m growing more of a fear for humans. I guess it’s a non-human instinct. To fear the human race because they are killers.

“They’re following us!” SkyBird called out.

“What do we do?!” Connor replied with adventure in his tone as he smirked.

“Let’s confuse them!” I ordered as Connor and SkyBird both nodded. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

All three of us turned around and flew towards the bus. SkyBird on the right, Connor on left, and me straight on. Everything seemed to slow down. SkyBird and Connor curved their wings towards themselves as they twirled like a bullet, only a centimeter from hitting the bus’s sides. I on the other hand folded my wings in. I timed it just right, so I just barely landed on the front hood of the bus. In a split second of being on the bus hood I could see everyone. Shelly, our bus driver looked bewildered. The little kids looked surprised and were shouting like crazy. The middle and high schoolers were either looking at SkyBird, Connor, or me. I outstretched my wings and pushed off straight towards the sky. SkyBird and Connor followed on each side.

“I think we confused them,” SkyBird giggled as sunlight began to peak through the clouds above. The patch of light shown down on us. It was weird. I for once felt like a real angel. I felt like SkyBird, Connor, and I were sent down from Heaven to protect everyone. I felt like a Hero. Like Hero Winged.

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