Chapter 11: New Members

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We sat down in iHop, and somehow we ended up chowing down on pancakes with hot chocolate. I was able to sneak a laptop from a store without getting caught. I know it’s stealing, but...we NEED it. I got on 43 Things where we met Connor in the first place. This was where it all started I looked through the entries. It looked as though they had all forgotten about Connor, SkyBird, and myself. Their posts were just random like a human’s. Maybe they were just humans wishing they could be different. If I were some kind of fairy I would grant their wishes and dreams, but I’m not that powerful. I logged into my account on the website and made a post asking if anyone would like to help my sister, Connor, and I with something.

“What’re you doing?” Connor asked as he scarfed down a whole pancake in about five seconds. I looked over at SkyBird who was sitting next to him drinking her hot chocolate. With all the food they were eating I hoped we had enough money to pay for it all.

“I’m trying to get us extra help,” I replied as I waited for a comment from anyone anxiously. After about five minutes I finally got a few comments. They all basically asked why and what kind of help. One was from Mimi, one from Ray, one from Aisha, one from Sheila, one from Sum, one from Neko, and one from Alexandre. I posted another post that said, “We need help to keep track of AWTOK, their whereabouts, locations of their facilities, and planning attacks on each facility. They’re planning to start a war against humans and non-humans very soon.”

“How’s it going?” SkyBird asked as she finished her hot chocolate.

“It’s going well,” I replied as I again waited for a reply. A lot more people commented this time, including the fourty year old man Lord Bearclaw (LBC). He wrote a comment saying that it was impossible that people were after us and that we were either delusional or pretending. This pissed me off, so I replied back. I wrote, “And you also think growing wings is impossible, but Connor, SkyBird, and I all have wings.”

My heart was beating with adrenaline as I waited to see what words of old man wisdom he would lector me with. He eventually replied back saying that it is impossible to grow wings and that we were probably faking it. That was it. I had had enough of him crushing everybody’s dream to someday be non-human.

“Hey I have to go to the bathroom,” I said to Connor and SkyBird as I picked the laptop off and rushed off to the bathroom. SkyBird and Connor looked at each other then shrugged.

Once I was in the bathroom I clicked on the camera app. I outstretched my wings and clicked on the picture button. It began to count down from five to zero. I quickly turned back to the camera so it would take a picture of where my wings connect to my back.

When I heard the snap of the photo being taken I turned back around then uploaded the photo onto a post that read, “Here’s proof that I have wings. Connor and SkyBird also have wings. Now do you believe us? So who is willing to help us?”

With my wings folded in I walked back to our table and sat down. Connor was finally done eating and he and SkyBird were just chatting. They looked like they would make quite a cute couple. I checked my post where I had uploaded a picture that every non-human wouldn’t dare to do, or they didn’t have the guts to do. I had shown and revealed myself online as an avian. I had just put a photo of my wings online and now it would stay on there forever.

I got over twenty comments. Some of them said that they would definitely help. Others said that they knew it was possible to grow wings. Others said that they were amazed. LBC replied and said that growing wings broke all laws of psychics and science. But he also said that everyone could clearly see where my wings attached to my back, so they all had to believe me. LBC said no genius at photoshopping images could make it look that real. I breathed a sigh of relief. He finally believed and saw that we weren’t delusional or liars. We had been telling the truth all along.

I ended up picking Sheila, Aisha, Ray, Mimi, Sum, Neko, Alexandre, and Dante. I knew them all and declared them new members. They might not be non-humans, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help. I decided to have Sum, Neko and Alexandre do the planning since they were the smartest, Aisha and Mimi keep us posted on AWTOK’s whereabouts, and finally Ray and Sheila locate the facilities. Along with that they had to figure out information about the facility like security, employees, etc. All eight of them seemed happy and excited to be part of our flock. I was just happy that we could finally get to work on stopping this whole war against humans and non-humans thing. Now all we had to do was somehow get headsets and communicate through that. Of course that would be easy. The hard part was gonna definitely be the work.

The cost all together was around $40.00! Now for iHop that’s a lot of money. I paid the man at the register the money as we headed out. We needed to buy a headset to communicate to our new members. SkyBird and Connor seemed pretty psyched about wearing headsets. Connor said it was one of the “cool” things these days. I didn’t care whether it was cool or not though. We needed to communicate without using the laptop. Knowing AWTOK they might hack into the computer system to find out what we’ve been least online. That’s where our 8 new members come in handy. AWTOK doesn’t know that we have 8 people helping us. We had allies.

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