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Welcome to chapter 3

Sorry for mistakes💯


The next day came around and kylie got ready too meet with Leah too go meet with malak she got up and showered throwing on skinny jeans with a white tank top and shell top Adidas she grabbed her wallet and phone "we're you going?!" Jaden asked

"Out to go fix something" I said playing with my hair in the mirror "fix what??' He asked "I can't tell you I'll tell you when it's over bye!" I kissed his cheek quickly and walked out the door.

Walking over too Leah while malak pulled up I waved "hey" Leah and Melanie smiled "hi" once malak walked over he had a fit "what the hell you made me come over here for!?" He asked "cause come on" we walked into the place and waited till they call their names

"Melanie and malak Watson" me and Leah chuckled malak looked at us confused "go ahead partner" I replied he got up and followed Melanie. "Have fun!!" Me and Leah decided too go up too the mall while they worked their problems out.


"Why are you asking me this question!" I asked "malak were trying too fix your relationship with Melanie" the lady replied back "listen...what's your name?!" I asked her curiously "Jody" she smiled "well joe I don't want nothing too Do with her"

" it's Jody and Is that so malak do you really love her" the room was quiet "so stop acting like you don't if you love her work it out because running away from your relationship makes it worst" she wrote in her clipboard

"I know I just basically waisted almost 5 years with her she was cool at first she isn't crazy but she's just fake and rude.....I got places too be" I got up and walked out.

As I was walking out kylie and Leah came out with shopping bags they stopped short "oh that was fast how did it go??" Leah asked me "we're not together and where not getting back together I don't want her" I  fought

"'Malak stop acting like that you know you want her" kylie said as Melanie came out what her head down "no I don't!"

They laughed "yes you do now go apologize cause I know your ass was rude in their!" Kylie folded her arms I sighed "fine" I walked up too Melanie as she rolled her eyes "what do you want!" She took her engagement ring off "I just wanna apologize" she looked up

"No after you embarrassed me in front of that lady forget an apology" she said walking away "oo  this ring nice" Kylie said playing with it as Leah shook her head "how could you give this up!" She shouted at Melanie. Melanie looked back

"Is that what you wanted??" Kylie asked I nodded "well you got it....I know I had problems with her but you can't just shove her out your life like that but do what you please" Kylie said walking away "well we tried but yea Kylie's right bye malak" Leah got in the car with kylie and they pulled out.

Opening the house door Melanie was here before me getting the rest of her things she closed the suitcase "I guess this is goodbye" she put the house key down and wiped her tear "thank you for those 5 years we've been threw hell and back but I guess I can say it was worth a try....I better go before I miss my flight"

Up to us *malak Watson* *jaden Delarosa* trilogy too because of you* EDITING OHWhere stories live. Discover now