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Sorry for mistakes💯


"Woah your moving way to fast I just got out of a abusive relationship...even though we did have something I'm not ready for another relationship so we're nothing" "whatever" he mumbles leaving out of the kitchen.

I don't know why the hell he was mad and why was he so desperate to rush into a relationship.

Walking into Walmart with Leah we grabbed a cart walking around "Imma go this way!" I told her she nods as I walked to the ice cream section opening the door I picked out what I wanted turning around I bumped into someone making me drop my stuff "sorry!" The voice rang bells in my ear.

Looking up I shook my head "summer!" I huff getting up she rolls her eyes "here we go again" she flips her hair looking down her stomach was big and she had a big rock on her finger.

"Looks like tayvion wants to put up with your bullshit" I smile "your still a bitch...move!" She shoves me out of the way I swear if she wasn't pregnant I would've tackled her but I was gonna be nice and just let it slide.

Walking over to Leah she pushed the cart "what took you so long!" She huffed "I bumped into summer" she furrows her eyebrow "really?" Nodding I dropped the ice cream into the cart "she's pregnant and married" Leah shakes her head

"Why would he marry her she's a total bitch..." Leah trails

Walking into the apartment we put the stuff away as river came in "um kylie someone wants to talk to you" river handed me her phone as I gave her a confused face.

"Who is this?"

"Jaden...don't hang up please just hear me out!" He begs

"Why should I" I fuss

"Kylie jut listen!" He growls

After Jaden explained whatever he needed to explain I hung up the phone "here" I give her phone back.

"What did he say?"

I'm sorry it's short but I'm busy so I'll update later on

I'm really thinking of starting this all three of these books over cause I just don't like it at all.

But anyway I'm planning on doing another book and it's not about squad.

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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED @_maninextdoor_ 

Up to us *malak Watson* *jaden Delarosa* trilogy too because of you* EDITING OHWhere stories live. Discover now