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Y'all ready😂

Sorry for mistakes💯I didn't edit


Walking into the dress shop Melanie waited for us excitedly "uh your finally here I picked some out already" she held 3 white dresses "those are cute!" I complimented "aren't they!" She handed me one "the dressing room is over their" I nodded walking over "Kylie??" I looked back "thank you"

"You welcome" I gave her a warm smile closing the dressing room door I slipped my sandals off also shirt and shorts. I unzipped the dress and slipped into it walking back out I struggled zipping it up "river help" I poured she chuckled zipping it and she turned around so I could zip hers

"Are you guys done??" Melanie walked over "wow their perfect on you guys!" She cheesed "thanks" river pushed her hair too the side "Nadia are you done??" Melanie questioned "hold on!!" She hollered back. Minutes later she out "you look beautiful!" Melanie sat down.

"Thanks" Nadia slightly smiled "thank you girls for being my bridesmaid" we nodded "so how's your maid of honor??" I asked her "one of my bestfriends I can't wait for you too meet her you'll love her!" Melanie smiled

After shopping around we finally departed and went home walking into the house I threw the keys onto the table and jogged up the steps once I got too the bedroom it was quiet I slipped out of my clothes and threw the house clothes on.

This wedding should be very interesting


"So you invited kylie??" Malak asked  as I took a bite out of my sandwich "yea I thought that kylie deserved an apology and what's not better than being someone's bridesmaid??" I smiled as I played with my engagement ring "don't you think that was too much I mean she's my ex" I huffed "no malak everything will be ok can you just let me do something on Own" he threw his hands up "go ahead"

I smiled "thank you!"

"So you ready for the wedding??" He smiled "I've been ready well..." I shrugged "we got past that don't even think about it" malak said I nodded "but anyways we got the dresses today and they looked great in it"

"That's nice" he complimented


"Kylie play some music!" Jaden whined "what do you want too listen too??' I asked "Rico" he said I nodded looking for meek mill I pressed the song when I finally found him "this beat is fireeee!!" He dragged I chuckled at him

"Always new woman gotta keep a balance!" He sang "the girl of your dreams too me is probably not a challenge!" He turned too me and winked I turned say so he wouldn't see me blushing as my phone rang

"Turn that down for a minute" he nodded and I pressed answer

"Who?" I questioned

"Hey Kylie its Melanie"

"I Melanie what's up??" I asked

Up to us *malak Watson* *jaden Delarosa* trilogy too because of you* EDITING OHWhere stories live. Discover now