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Hey guys...i know i suck at updating but i im working on the new story and it's coming out soon the chapters are gonna be longer and better.


"River my water just broke!" I stopped short as it ran down my leg. "Kylie stop messing with me!" River huffs as she continued to surf threw channels.

"Seriously I'm not kidding" she looked over and jumped out her seat "I'll get the bags call an ambulance and everyone!" She rushes to my room.

They came shortly and carried me in a stretcher. "I can't believe she's finally coming!" River was so excited if she didn't come sooner she would explode.


"What's going on why are you panicking??" I ask Malak over the phone

"K-Kylie baby the baby is coming" once those words came out his mouth I jumped from my bed and threw some clothes on.

"I'm on my way" I hung up

I got into my car and drove to the hospital. Once I got their most of us were already waiting.

"Leah thanks god your here!" River ended the call she was about to make "my mom is on her way to see and help Kylie for a couple of days" she explains.

Everyone just nods keeping it short. "Where's Nadia?" I ask Noah "Texas she can't get a flight till tomorrow" I sat down.

Hours go past and the baby was still not here. Malak went to the room about two hours ago to comfort Kylie.


"I think she's ready now" the doctor puts his gloves on as the pain increased. It felt like heavy waits had been put on me.

"Kylie you have to push now" the doctor put his mask on as he asked me to push "take a deep breathe" he demanded.

I pushed harder as they cheered "Kylie you got this the head is right there!". I pushed a couple of times and she was finally out.

She cried as they cleaned her off and wrapped in a pink blanket. They handed her to me as everyone came in.

"My sister is growing up!!" Leah smiles sitting down. "Damn Malak that's your twin!" Noah shakes his head.

"You wanna hold her?" I asked him he nods and takes her out of my hands. I was exhausted and needed sleep.


"Stop crying...I'm your auntie!" I pouted as she whined in my arms every time I picked her up she started to whine.

"Let me see her" river takes her and she starts to cool down. Kylie was knocked out and it was going on twelve. Malak and Noah left to get food for all of us.

"Hi baby!" River kissed her soft cheeks,"Leah you mad!" River chuckles softly "whatever!" I joked

Hey beautiful people💕

I hope you enjoy this chapter they baby finally came😩❤️!!

What should the name be...comment😊

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED @_maninextdoor_

Up to us *malak Watson* *jaden Delarosa* trilogy too because of you* EDITING OHWhere stories live. Discover now