33-get it together

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"Kayla stop crying!" I whined as she cried she's been out of it since last night she hasn't slept all night and has got on my nerves all morning.

I went to court and got full custody of her Malak can not see her without my permission and when he does i have to be there. I changed kayla's diaper and laid her in the crib.

She finally fell asleep and I got to get myself together I hopped in the shower and washed my hair. After drying off I threw my comfy clothes on and sat on the couch.

Makayla stayed asleep the whole night letting me get a full nights sleep. I woke up at 11 seeing her still sleep peacefully, I went in the kitchen and warmed a bottle up also grabbing a clean diaper.

After giving her a bath and changing her diaper I fed her and put her in the walker. and  my phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I answered

"Can you buzz me in I left some clothes there" I bit my lip

"Fine okay" I mumbled pressing the button

"Thanks" he hangs up and minutes later he comes in with a box. I held Kayla as she reached out for him "can I?" I huffed.

"You came for clothes" I rushed "d-daddy" Kayla cries I looked at her "Kay!! Say it again!" Malak cheered as I smiled at her she looked at him with confusion.

"D-daddy" she mumbles he picks her up I was still mad with Malak but this was a moment every father has waited for. After she cool down Malak got his stuff.

"When will I be able to see her?" He asked. "When you get your shit together and stop having your groupies come around my condo!" I roll my eyes.

"Ight I'm gone" he kissed Kayla's cheek and left, "boys" I huffed.

2 months later

"Come on Kay!" I cheered as she took a step toward me "you got this!" River clapped Kayla took two more steps before dropping to her butt.

"You did it baby!" I kissed her chubby cheeks i haven't spoken to Leah in a few weeks and it was my mothers anniversary.

I bought a ticket to California this weekend and I was leaving in a couple of hours. I called Leah to check with her.

"What?" She said annoyed

"Ew that's how you greet your sister?" I asked

"I'm sorry I'm just going threw some  rough stuff right now what's up?" She asked

"Well..this week is moms anniversary and I'm going down to California in a couple of hours" I explained

"Have fun I can't go..I'm busy with my new job and it's driving me insane" I sigh

"Okay it's whatever I'll call you when I land"

"Okay" she hangs up

"What did she say?" River asked "she can't come it's whatever" river shook her head "that's a selfish I mean you couldn't take weekend off to come to your mothers grave and hang with family" she shook her head

"Pathetic!" The doorbell rung and river got it. "Wassup" Malak hugged me as I moved away "oh wow!" He shook his head. We made a decision he could watch Kayla for the weekend but he would have to stay at my house.

I didn't trust Melanie at all especially around my child.

I grabbed my suite case and my other things, "bye baby!" I kissed her cheeks as she cried "stop crying" I wiped her eyes it was hard for me to leave her alone for the first time.

Me and river headed to the airport after finally leaving the house "Cali here we come"

Sorry for such a long wait but I've been busy ☹ but now I'm on spring break do I have all the time in the world.

I hope you enjoyed❤️

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED @_maninextdoor_

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