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Sorry for my mistakes 💯 I'm not editing


"Kylie you can't keep it a secret you need too tell Jaden or I will!" Leah grinned "I'm gonna tell him I'm just nervous I'm mean it's Jaden he's type scary when he's angry!" I smirked

"Tell him now!" She pushed me up the stairs and into our room she opened the door shoving me in and slamming it. "Wassup baby!!" I plopped on the bed

"Wassup" he pecked my cheek "can we talk??' I asked he sat up from scrolling on Instagram "yea what's wrong!" He asked "I've been hiding this for the past 2 days and I'm truly sorry" I stopped

"You leaving me??" He questioned confused "no no!" "Kylie spill it already"

"I kissed Malak ja-" I felt his hand go across my cheek making me fall off the bed "what the fuck Kylie I knew I couldn't trust you its just like old days keep your fucking lips away from others slut!" He spat irritated

I cried as my cheek burned "I'm out!" He hollered slamming the door Leah ran up coming in as I cried "the hell kylie did he just hit you??" She asked I nodded slowly "I am gonna get that son of a bitch!" She walked out I gripped her arm shaking my head.

"This happened before just let him calm down!" She huffed "and you did tell anyone" I sighed "because it wasn't Necessary"

Hours passed and Leah left and Jaden came home "kylie...!!" He hollered I stayed in the guest room with the door locked I'm not going threw this shit again.

"Kylie were are you??' He hollered again I sniffed into the pillow as I was under the covers he came too the guest room trying to open the door

"I know your in their open up!" He banged on the door I wasn't getting up or saying anything to him.

"Come on kylie I'm sorry!!"'he begged

After calling my name for the past half hour he gave up walking away from the door. "Thank you just leave me alone!" I mumbled falling asleep

Waking up Jaden was right to me sitting up I was so confused slipping out the bed I quickly went to the bathroom brushing my teeth washing my face etc.

I needed to get outta here I do know what came over me but I was scared to look at him and talk to him I put my converse on grabbing my keys and wallet

Opening the door I quickly got into my car pulling away calling river I jut needed to be far away from him.

"Hello!" She answered

"River are you home??" I asked

"Yeah why"

"I'm coming over I need to talk to you"


She hung up once I got to her house I opened the door looking it behind me going too her room I plopped on her bed as she watched tv "wassup??" She asked getting comfortable as my phone rang

I ignored it taking my sweater off "I'm so scared of Jaden right now!" I tensed up "wait why??"

"He hit my yesterday I ended up sleeping inh e guest room and this morning he ended up in their with me" I explained as my phone buzzed

Jaden:where are you??? (11:47 am)

"You can stay her if you like" smiling I hugged her "thank you!" She nodded "but if this happened again you need to call the police" she warned "I know I know" I got comfy.

Hours passed and their was three knocks at the door "I got it" River got up and cam up seconds later "did you answer the door" she shook her head no "kylie its Jaden" I shot up so fast

"Come!" She dragged me into her walk in closet "just wait here" I nodded as she cooed the door and locked the outside.

"Come on I know she's here!" Jaden's voice echoed threw the hallway "Jaden she's not stop!" River hollered I heard them come upstairs as my phone rang

"Shit!" I mumbled turning it off "you guys heard that??" Noah asked "no I didn't" the opened her room door.

It kept ringing as they opened her door "oh I left my phone in their!" She slightly chuckled "but your phone is in the bed" Ben picked it up

"Kylie you in their??" Jaden asked

"No ones in their Jaden!"

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Will they break up???

Is Jaden is overprotective??

15+votes for another chapter

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED @_maninnextdoor_

Up to us *malak Watson* *jaden Delarosa* trilogy too because of you* EDITING OHWhere stories live. Discover now