Emma And Jax Sitting In A Tree, Literally

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A/N: Do not be fooled by the title...

Emma's POV

"What?" Riley asked.

"Oh, nothing, um, let's continue working, ok?"

"If you say so."

Ugh, I told them not tobother me with Mia. I would've handled it! I am the Chosen One! How could they defy me? I had more power than them!


"What?" I replied a bit startled.

"Is this a good picture for the plan or is this one better?" Riley asked.

"Uh, either." She nodded and continued the project.

I know that it's good that they got Mia but, I could've done all that myself. I mean I have had worse.

RING RING! Everyone stammered out of class quickly. I grabbed my stuff and headed towards my locker.

"Riley," Dominic called.

"Oh great," Riley rolled her eyes.

Riley POV

"I told you I'm not int-"

"Please, just meet me at the beach at 5 please! Right by that big twisted tree," he pleaded.

"Sorry but me and Em-"

"Actually I need to go see the council today, I totally forgt, mayeb we can reschedule?" Emma cut in. I shut my eyes, annoyed.

"Fine." I sighed. He smirked then walked away.

"Emma!"I yelled.

"Look, you should give him a chance," she replied.


"But he's trying to make it up to you, the least you should do is see how."

"Hey ladies," Jax said, ending our conversation.

"Hey Jaxy, are you gonna blurt out how much you love Em and then turn into a tomato," I laughed.

"You saw that?"

"Babe, the whole school has," Emma laughed, "But it was adorable!"

"Whatever, ok so am I gonna give you guys a ride to the mall or are you guys gonna go by yourselves?"

"Actually we canceled that, me and you have to go see the council," Em told Jax.

"Why?" Jax groaned.

"Because, it's important," Emma gritted through her teeth, "I'll text you later Riley."

"Ok, have fun with the council," I sighed. Ugh, where's Viv when you need her?


"Emma, I don't see why you need to bring me to speak to Captain McCoocoo and Lady Lala," I rolled my eyes.

"Because I don't wanna go alone, they scare me a little," she replied. I put my arm around her shoulder as we walked into the nurse's office.

"Oh hey Emma," Nurse Lily welcomed.

"Don't 'hey' me! I know you guys went behind my back and took Mia!"

"Wait, Em, isn't that good?" I asked.

"NO! They said I wasn't strong enough! I could've handled her! She's just another evil witch!"

"Actually, she is a kanay," Desdemona added out of nowhere.

"What?" me and Emma exclaimed at the same time.

"We have sent her and that Daniel boy away, far far away," Agamemnon explained.

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