It Ends In A Moment

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A/N: A vast majority of you will love this chapter. I was planning on making this two chapters but why make you wait forever. :) Even though I kind of did....hey I'm not supe-... sowwy.


Me and Riley continued walking away from Dominic and Emma.

"I'm so sorry Jax," Riley whispered to me.

"No, it's fine, I should've known that Emma would move on eventual-"

"No not that," she cut me off, "Well, yes that but, I'm sorry that I'm basically the whole reason you and Emma break up. You two are like ice cream, so perfect and sweet. Then there's me, the scorching sun making you two melt. For that reason, I apologize."

"It's fine. I just can't believe she'd get so jealous to dump me. I've explained to her a billion times we are just friends!" Who occasionally date.

"Well sometimes people have two sides. I learned that with all my boyfriends...other than you," she laughs.

I smile at her. All I can picture is the times me and Emma had, when we were basically a cookie that everyone wanted to have and then we crumbled.

"So why'd you and Dominic break up?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"I honestly don't know. He just dumped me."

"No reason?"

"There's never really a reason."

I can hear her sniffle. The sniffle she makes when she cries.

"Do you love Emma?"

"Yes," I quickly replied. I've known that I loved her for ever.

"Do you love Dominic?"

She hesitated, "Um, ye-, uh nop-." No true answer.

"I don't know," she said then we continued walking.

Liam/Dean POV

As we walked into Viv's room, I observed it closely. Posters covered her walls. One said "When words fail, music speaks." Another said "Love is blind." Maybe she should look at that one more often.

"You can go now," Viv stated harshly. I nodded trying not to upset her, leaving her room. As soon as I walked out, the realization came to me that I had forgotten my car keys.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I walked in. Viv was cutting herself. Where her tumor was.

"What the heck are you doing Viviana?" I yelled rushing towards her.

"I'm healing myself, now get out!"

"Why are you hurting yourself more? It will only make the tumor worse!" I wiped blood off her with my white dress shirt. It bleed through it, staining it inside and out.

"You don't get my life!'

"But what's the point of cutting? It only makes things worse!"

"Sometimes you just get addicted the pain Liam," she sobbed. Sobbed. I'd never seen her cry before. I sat her down on her bed and let her tears fall on my shoulders.

After a while I stopped the silence and said "Quit with the cutting and get addicted to me. I know that you might not want a realationship, but I'm ready, are you?"

"Listen, Liam," I loved it when she called me that, "I think I should wait a while."

"I'll wait till death for you," I replied. Her face saddened again. Oh yeah, she's dying.


"Sadly for you, I'm not Emma," I stated. (OH SNAP) Dominic looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?"

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