I have made my choice

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After awhile Riley goes to sleep but I stay up. I put my thoughts together and conclude that I love Emma and only her. Riley is just my friend adn we have history, but Emma, she's the future. She is my future. And it's clear Riley only likes me as a  friend.  Let's keep it that way.

Noone POV

After the sleepover everyone leaves and goes home. Jax tells Emma he is going to Austrailia to see his friends with Riley. Emma is totally ok with it. Now it is the day they leave.

Lacey POV

Emma can have Jax but her bestfriend Andi can't have Mac. NEVER!!!!! I grab my stuff and head to Emmas house. When I reach there Andi and Mac are sitting there talkinb. NOW IS MY CHANCE!!!

Andi POV

Me and Mac are talking for awhile about alot. I am not sure if I want to date him or Phillip. Mac goes to the bathroom. Something grabs and before my eyes I black out.


I get out of the bathroom when someone duct tapes my mouth. I try to yell but I can't. Some girl is dragging me to a car and in the car I see Andi passed out.

"JAX! LACEY IS BACK!" I hear Emma scream as we drive away. We go to the airport and somehow this chick has mine and Andi's passport. She tells me to wait by Andi. I agree and stay there shocked. Is she like gonna kidnap us or rape me and her! The girl is back.

"We are going to Europe and Andi is going to be left in New York while we go to Spain." says the girl. Andi's eyes flutter open and when she is about to say something nothing comes out of her mouth.

"Good the spell is working on her. Now come on we need to get to security babe" she says to me.

"I am not going anywhere with you. At all."

"Yes you are your going to follow my every command!" she says. Who did she think she was. She started casting a spell on me but someone came to save us.

"He said he's not going anywhere and he isn't." Emma says.

Andi is passed out again. Then Emma,Jax, and the other new girl (Riley) are using their powers against the girl.

"Lacey you can't have me!" Jax says casting a spell at her. She dunks down.

"I don't want you I want Mac!" Lacey says. How'd she know my name? Emma casts a spell and again Lacey dodges it. Andi becomes conscious and as soon as she gets up the powers are gonna hit her I jump in front and black out.

Andi POV

I get up and memories come flooding back. A spell is gonna hit me but Mac blocks it. He passes out. I stare at Lacey.

"Look at what you did Emma!" Lacey says with an evil smile and laugh. That does it I pounce on her and nearly choke her to death. Security trys to pull me off but I don't let go. Eventually I get off. Lacey is breathless. I have made my choice. I am going to date Mac. Phillip is awesome but I love Mac. Riley casts a spell on Lacey and she just lies there not moving. I think Laceys heart stops. I check. Lacey is dead and gone. Forever. I check Mac. I can't hear his heart beat or feel his breath.  After forever I cry. Mac is gone too just like Lacey. I sob in his shoulders.  I out my hand on his heart and suddenly my hamds warm up and glow. I a, super confused. Mac takes a deep breath and opens his eyes. I kiss him gently on the lips.

"Mac, I love you so much!" I say.

"I love you too!" He says with a smile and I hug him.

"Andi! OMG! Gurl you're a healer!!!!" Riley exclaims. What?!

"Whats that?" I say

"They are kind of like a doctor. They can heal you if they have enough emotion. They use heat to fix people. The heat is kimd of like a power." Jax says. I squeal. I HAVE POWERS! YIPPIE! YAHOO! I have the biggest smile on my face and Riley tells me all about healers. Yasssss! I has powers yay!

Daniel POV

Gigi and Clover tell me to come over. When I get there Clover tells me amd Diego crazy news. GIGI IS A WITCH AND CLOVER IS A KANAY!! What?! More powers! Diego faints. I don't feel his heartbeat but my hands glow and suddenly he is up. Clover says I am a healer. She explains to me what that is. Great now I have powers too! Ugh can life get any worse!

Emma POV

"Are you sure your ok with us leaving?" Jax says.

"Yes omg I will be fine!" I say


"100% now go before you and Riley miss your flight!" I exclaim.

"Ok fine. I love you. Call me everyday ok." Jax says. I nid my head.

"Love you too!" I say and kiss him and hug him.

"Come on Jax! We will miss our flight!" Riley says.

"Bye babe!" I say. And blow him a fly kiss he waves bye and he's gone.

A/N: What do you think? Comment, vote, follow, and share. I know I said triple update but people I am so sick right now. I fell asleep while writing so to make up for it. Monday (tomorrow) and Wednesday I will post the next chapters. So see you tomorrow superfans!

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