Field Trip 2

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A/N: This chapter is new and highly imrpoved!

Written mostly by: Emsilymermaid

Liam/Dean POV

Today is Viv's first day back to school since the party and I'm dying to talk to her. While she was gone, Dominic was helping me practice talking to her. I even worked up enough courage to ask her out.


I really don't wanna be here. I've been skipping school all week, but my brothers made me go. They mentioned something about me needing to be more "socially active" and "educated" but what do they know? They don't even know why I've been skipping school.

Riley POV

Today is going to be awesome! I just need to find Emma and Viv then we can have fun. I saw Viv standing by the front doors and then I saw Dean coming behind her. He talked to her but she ignored him.

"Come on Viv, talk to him!" I telepathically said to her.

She walked away and over to me.

"How can you even be so cheerful?" Viv asked, hatefully.

"What do you mean?"

"After the party and stuff," she whispered. 'Oh,' I mouthed.

"Well, it isn't the first time this has happened. Plus, I wasn't a virgin when it happened the first time," I replied. But it was more than likely that she was. Her eyes went wide and drifted toward Dominc.

"Was it with-"

"No, I won't let Dominic come near me! Now, let's change subject," I stated, feeling uncomfortable, also not wanting to say my first time was with Jax.

"So, you and Dean? What's up with that?" I asked.

"Uh, nothing, I don't even like him. He was just asking where I've been. Besides, I like Diego," she replied. It was like a slap in the face. Oh no, she was wrong, she likes Dean. And he was gonna ask her out. And I wouldn't hesitate to force her to say yes.

We hopped on the plane an hour later. I took my seat next to Dominic. I was going to be meeting his sister and his Mom on this trip. Yes, I was freaking out. Alot. Like I would be screaming right now, but I'm on a freaking plane, so I can't.

I watched Viv take her seat next to Dean. He's gonna ask her out, I know it.


Shelia was controlling me. I was gonna get Emma and Riley and that other girl. I cast an invisibility spell & walked on the plane. I got close to the girl.

"So, Viv," the boy next to her said. She nodded.

"What?" she asked.

"Um, uh I have something to tell you," he replied.

"So do I."

"You first."

"Ok, uh, I-think-I think I like Diego."

Oh, that's got to hurt him, I thought.

And Diego, huh. Interesting. Let's see what's going on there, and how I can use it to my advantage.

I could hear Sheila's thoughts. Now, I'm seeing what she's planning to do.

Get out! I think.

And that's it, I've lost.

The words fell out my mouth. I looked at Digeo. Oh god, this is gonna hurt me more than it hurts him. I shut my eyes.

"Their relationship, so sweet and nice, how about we add a little trouble in paradise."

Liam POV

"You-you what?"

"You heard me, I like Diego."

"Really?" I was shocked.


"Oh," I said, not even trying to disguise the disappointment in my voice.

"So what were you going to tell me?"



"Just nevermind."

Riley POV

Oh no...she didn't, did she? I saw Dean's face. She did. She told him about Diego. But she doesn't like Diego! She likes Dean and it's so obvious! Then all of the sudden, there's drama. Like, Gigi-would-want-to-film Drama. Then I hear it...the angry yelling of Maddie Van Pelt.


I look at Viv, and her face flushes blood red.

"Maddie, you don't tell me what to do. They're my eyes, so I can look at someone beautiful if I want!"


"Maddie, everyone's looking at you."

"Not you, you were looking at Viv!"

"So what?"


"Why? Because she's beautiful. And you know what Maddie, you're not my girlfriend anymore. You can forget about the Winter Formal. I'm taking Viv!"

Maddie glared at Viv. Diego turned red. Dean's straight face became a frown.

"I mean, if she wants to go with me."

All eyes were on Viv.

"Yeah, I'd love to go with you."

Maddie and Viv got up to switch seats.

"This is all your fault!" Maddie said to Viv.

*smack* *snap* *thud*

Oh no.

Diego POV

"Viv!" Dean and I yell in unison.

"Maddie, you didn't have to do that!" Dean said.

"Yeah, what was that for?" I ask.

"You said she was beautiful. We'll see how beautiful she looks with a bruise on her face and a black eye!"

"Miss, could you please sit down? The plane is about to take off," a flight attendant asked. Her skin was wrinkled and her roots were gray.

Maddie grumply sat down next to Dean, and started to flirt with him. He wasn't interested. Haha.

Three and a half hours later, I woke up to find Viv's had rested on my shoulder. She was cute when she slept. I looked outside my window to find these white things falling from the sky. Snowflakes. I had never seen them before. They were even more magical than magic!

A few minutes later, we walked outside and the ice cold snow hit my neck. Ok, maybe snow wasn't that amazing. But it still looked cool!

"Home sweet home," Dominic groaned as he walked out. Dean followed behind him, not looking at me or Viv. Maddie glared at us. Viv couldn't help but giggle.

Riley POV

We all grabbed out luggage and headed to a hotel or some place we were staying. Dominic, Jax, Emma, Viv, Dean, and I were all staying at Dom's house. Diego and Gigi got a hotel near the park. The panthers were staying at a hotel at the park.

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