Runner see runner does

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Running. Feeling the humid air flying past my face and through my hair. My eyes start to water as I pick up more speed. I emerge to the right turn the corner, then making a left turn. Feeling sweat form on my forehead as it rain's down on my face. My heart beat starts to pick up along with my breathing. Zooming past my section to meet with the other Runners. I should probably explain that...

My name is Ember. I have snowflake skin, long dark brown hair that I usually tie back and braid it, I also have blue eyes. I am a glader of the glade. Let me explain more. The glade is our home and inside the maze. The maze is what we runners run into. (Hahaha) It is a very dangerous place and no one survives the night in the maze. The maze has doors that open at dawn close at dusk. If you dont make it back in time you are stuck in the maze over night. The runners go into the maze and try to find an exit because we are trapped here. Someone put us in here. We have tried everything to get out, the only way out is throught the maze.

Once a month a new person comes up from the box with our most needed supplies to live. We call new people greenies. We basically get guys here being that I am the only girl. I've been here two years now. Anyway we assign the newbies to be watched and a job. Around the glade we have jobs. I already explained runners to you but again, runners they run the maze from dawn to dusk, slicers they cut up the animals we raise that come from the box, med-jacks they are pretty much our doctors, cooks cook our meals, builders fix and create things like houses or tools, gradeners they take care or the crops, sloppers are cleaners and baggers bury the dead.

Our three main rules are 1) everyone does their part/job no laziness. 2) don't hurt another glader, trusting is good. 3) DO NOT go into the maze unless you are a runner. Very simple rules easy to follow.

I make a couple of more turns and finally see a figure standing at our meeting place. I slow down to a jog then stop.

"Hey mean hoe. Miss me?" I approach the figure.

"Not really." The tall asian glares at me.

"Huh. I'm hurt." I fake frown and put a hand over my heart.

"I was just kidding. Of course I miss my fiery girl." He hugs me. The name is Minho. Minho the sassy asian. He is in charge of the runners or known as keeper of the runners. He calls me his fiery girl or Em since my name is Ember. Sometimes the guys around the glade call me mom since I "act" like the mother to them.  I call him asian, sassy, mean hoe, drama queen and ect.

"So where is Benny at?" I let go.

"What? Not worrying about scott? Kidding no one does. He took two sections today. He asked for them, don't know why." He sighs and scratches the back of his neck.

"Which ones?" I asked. I had section 2.
"He took 6 and 7. As you know 5 is blocked today. So I took 1, 3 and 4. Scott took 8."

"You could have gave me another section." I mumble. Minho takes too much on.

"Hey guys! Sorry to keep you waiting." Scott dashes towards us with Ben trailing behind.

I sprint over to Ben and hug him. He harshly grabs my face and smashes his lips on mine. Yes, Ben and I are together. Wish we weren't. Ben and I have had our arguments and fights. It gets physical a lot. He doesn't want me to leave and I'm trapped. Here and there Ben gets mad. You could say he has anger issues but he is trying to work on it. Yes he has hit me a couple of times. He apologizes after but I forgive and never forget. No one else know's and I'd like to keep it like that. They would pity me and hate Ben which will result in hitting me. We were happy at one point. But not anymore. I'm just scared if I leave he will hurt me. He told me himself.

"Alright, you all cover your sections?" Minho ask. We all nod.

"Good that. I want to see the new greenie." We bolt to the doors of the glade.

Scott and I enter the glade first with Minho and Ben following close behind. I see Chuck with the new greenie. Chuck is the youngest of the gladers. He is basically my son. I take care of him and teach him things. He is a very curious boy. He does call me mom sometimes. He is so adorable. The greenie stares at us. Poor child.

"Hey Chuck! Hey greenie!" I call out. The greenie stares me down with mouth hanging wide open. First girl he has seen. Calm down Ember.

"Hey Ember, she is the only girl here in the glade. Also Ben's girlfriend." Chuck tells the greenie as we jog past them.

"Hey Chuck. New greenie huh? How does it feel to be promoted?"

I could hear Ben say but didn't hear the response as I was too far away and heading to the homestead. That is the place where we gladers sleep at. Might aswell shower I think to my self. I get in the shower to be nice and clean for the celebration tonight. We usually throw a bonfire and celebrate a new greenies arrival. Normally when a new greenie comes up you can't remember who you are or where you came from. You only know your name and that usually takes a while to remember. After I get out of the shower, I head back to my hammock to sit so I could put my shoes back on.

"Hurry up. The guys are waiting for me." Ben walks in and stands infront of me.

"Im ready. Are you?" I stand up. He grips onto my wrist which instantly forms bruises. I wince but don't pull back.

"As long as you're with me." He grins his sickly smile at me as I shutter a little.

"Lets go." He drags me to the bonfire.


How did I do? Do I have any readers out there? Probably not but I am still going to write for the future readers and my self. Any miss spelling or rewording something please let me know. I like feedback. At least I know I have readers that way.

I had to turn ben into the asshole so it will be easy for Embers love for that someone to expand more without holding back. If you understand what I'm trying to say. Thanks for reading.

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