letting the demon in his home

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In the far distance I see Minho and Ben heading this way. Chuck's hands tighten around my waist. Minho drags Ben past Chuck and I. Ben glances to me but I just stare into the maze.

"Ember." Ben growls. I start to shake. My knees feel like they are caving in. I havent eaten today so this pluse stress and not eating results to passing out.

"Just listen to me. Just please listen to me." Bens grits his teeth.

"Please Minho. Alby."

Minho kneels Ben, down dropping his supplies bag and cutting Ben loose. Thomas shows up. I look at Ben he has blood and dirt everywhere. Ten times worse than earlier the changing is not in his favor. The wind starts to pick up letting us know the doors are about to close. Ben coughs up blood and whimpers.

"Please don't, please. No. No. Please dont do this." Ben pleads.

"Poles!" Alby shouts. Everyone brings their poles down so Ben can't get past them to run off. I feel Chuck walk away, Ben looks at me. He tries to get to me and reaches his arms out towards me but Newt and Gally push him towards the maze. The doors start to close.

"Move in." Alby declares.

The guys move forward to push Ben into the maze this is what's best my head tells me. I hear him telling them 'no' 'please' 'stop' a few times my name.

"Push him in." Alby yells.

"Please listen to me." Ben babbles.

"Ember!" Ben screams and the doors shut. The guys are all silent as Thomas looks take him back and frightened.

"He belongs to the maze now." Alby tells him disappointedly. He walks past me and heads to the homestead.

"Come on love." Newt sighs. I grabbed his hand.

"Why don't you grab something to eat and meet me in my room, sound good?" I nod my head and walk towards the kitchen.

Walking over to frypan he hands me a plate with a sandwich and two piece's of bacon. I look up at him, his face full of pity but puts a finger to his lips shushing me. We normally get bacon on special occasions. After I finish eating I thank him and walk over to Newt's room. As keepers of a job, leader or second in command they get their own room as the rest of us get hammocks lined up together in rows, not much privacy.

"Hey." Newt lays on his bed proping his self up with an elbow to look at me.

"Hey." I say softly walk over to him and sit on the bed.

"You ok love?" He grabs my hand.

"Honestly, I knew something bad was going to end our relationship. Ben and I used to be happy." I hesitated look down at him as he nods his head for me continue.

"I just didn't think all this would happen. Death or being stung. I don't feel anything. I just don't know anymore. Ben wanted me as a trophy not a girlfriend he didn't love me. If I died he wouldn't care. You heard what I told him at the slammer. You know he hurt me. You know everything don't you?"

"I already knew about it all." He confessed but I go silent.

"I saw the way you guys were in front of everyone. You put on a good show. 'Ben and Ember the happy couple'. No. I knew better than that. I watched you cry in your sleep those nights. The bruises, 90% of them were because of him. Ben didn't care if you were hurt sad or whatever. I do. He wasn't there for you like Alby, Minho, Chuck and I. He was no good for you. He got what he deserved."

"You won't leave me will you?" I asked softly.

"Never." He kisses my hand again but this time my cheeks turn to a rosy pink hopefully he can't see it in the dim lighting we are in.

"Let's get some sleep love. Big day tomorrow." He kisses me on top of my head turning my pink cheeks to red. Climbing under the covers I fall asleep to a snoring Newt and the maze changing.

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