its the end of the glade

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The grievers calling out and it sounds like more than one. They are attacking the glade. But how? The door should be closed. I look to the table and see a machete. I grab it and peek out of the hut. Fire everywhere people running and screaming there's grievers crawling inside the glade. What the hell is going on? I run back over to Alby. I have to keep him safe. Newt. No I need Newt with me. I hear rustling coming inside as I hold up my machete.

"Woah there Ember its just us. We need to get out of here the grievers are attacking. All of the doors are open." Jeff and Clint run in picking Alby up.

"Newt?" I ask lowering the machete.

"He is hiding people. We can take you to him. We have to hurry." Clint response.

We run out of the hut and head for council hall. The homestead was on fire, the tower was crumbling down, the boys scream for help as the grievers pick them up and devour them. A nightmare it looks like. As we are halfway there a griever separates me and the guys. The griever throws its tail towards me. I dodge it and land on the ground. The guys waiting for me telling me to hurry. My motherly instincts tell me to take the griever. I can't put them in danger.

"Go. Get to council hall. Now!"

I throw my machete at the griever to get his attention. The boys take off running again and so do I but in the separate directions. I make my way to the deadheads forest area. I hit something hard, tripping, falling and getting pulled down into the box.

"Shhh. Stay down. Stay quiet." Someone holds me. Sounds like Gally.

"Gally! Gally let me in!" I hear Scott scream and then he get pulled away by a griever. My eyes start to tear up. Not Scott. Not him. He was a complete idiot but he was my idiot.

"Gally what is going on?" I push him off of me with tears still coming down my face. There were two other gladers in here with us.

"Thomas found out where the grievers home is and now they are attacking us. He did this." He growls looking pissed.

"When I get out of here when this is over. If he is still alive I'm gonna make him wish he was dead." Gally slams his fist into the cage. I back up to the wall and curl up.

"Ember I would never hurt you. Why would you think that? I'm not like Ben." He softened up walking over to me and kneels down. I shiver as his hand rest on my knee.

It gets quiet. No screaming and no griever noises. Gally opens the door pulling all of us up. We take a look around. Our glade is empty and destroyed. I see Thomas in the far distance and so does Gally. He charges in rage at Thomas, the other two guys walk with him. So I grabbed one of Gally's arms, pulling and tugging him away but he's way stronger than me and basically dragging me on the ground. I see Newt and the others.

"Gally please. You don't have to do this. How do you know its his fault? Maybe the people who put us here think we need to start over or whatever. Gally please stop." I plead as he still drags me. Halfway there Newt sees us and the situation I am in.

"Gally stop." Newt yells. Thomas sees Gally confusingly.

"Thomas run!" He still stands there dumbfounded. What an idiot.

"Somebody help me!" I yell. Gally shoves me to the ground and I stand up running after him.

"Thomas look out!" I scream. But it was too late Gally knocked him to the ground.

Newt pins Gally up against the wall with help of the gladers. I help Thomas up and he stands there taken back.

"This is all you Thomas." Gally blames.

"You heard what Alby said. He is one of them. He is one of them and they sent him here to destroy everything and now he has. Look around Thomas. Look around you. This is all your fault." Gally shakes with anger.

Nobody bothers to pay attention to Thomas. They are all trying to calm Gally down. Teresa, Chuck and I watch Thomas. He grabs the stinger from Chuck, looking at it. Where did he get that?

"Maybe he's right." Thomas mutters.

"Thomas." Teresa looks at him concerned.

"I need to remember Teresa." No. He wouldn't.

"Thomas?" Teresa ask confused.

"Thomas no!" I screamed trying to take the stinger away from him. He pushes me away stabbing himself.

"Thomas!" Teresa cries out. I slide forward catching him as he hits the ground. Everyone is now crowded around us.

"Chuck go get the syringe. Frypan go with him." I ordered. They both took off running.

"Your going to be alright Thomas. Stay with me. Don't leave me." His breathing slows down and his eyes close.

"Med-jack!" Newt kneels down next to Thomas and I. We share the same worried face. I feel movement in my hands, Thomas shaking.

"He is having a seizure. Jeff!" I yell for for him as he comes with his supplies but Gally stops him.

"Let him." He says. I look up at him as he stares over me.

"I'm in charge now."

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