the feels

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After waiting a while Thomas needed a little more time. If I had a heart I would think this is cute.

"Give them some privacy, let's go check on Alby." I tug on Newts arm.

"Yea ok." We walk over to the med-jacks but stop before we went in.

"What are you." I get cut off with  Newt's lips on mine.

Fingers brush my jawline then my neck. My hands trail around his torso pulling us closer. This kiss was like pop rocks in your mouth but with so much lust. Wait what are pop rocks? Oh well. He kisses me gently, with more care and emotion than words could ever convey. Then time slows down around us and stops. I completely forgot where we were as his hands go straight down my waist, depending the kiss. My hands attached to his hair wrapping a piece of blonde around my finger tips. I feel him moan in the kiss causing me to smile. Likes hair pulling. Check. We finally pull apart, both of us breathless and speechless.

"So much for checking on Alby." He chuckles.

"Come on." I pull him inside walk to Alby's bed.

He isn't looking so well that's for sure. Way worse then when we left the afternoon. I wrap my arms around Newt and he wraps his around my shoulders.

"What are we going to do Newtie?"

Right before Newt answers me Thomas, Teresa, Jeff and Clint walk in. Thomas hands Newt this liquid syringe. It had the same letters from the griever device.

"Whats this?" I ask examining the object.

"Teresa had it in her pocket when she came up. I think we should give it to Alby." Thomas steps forward.

"We don't even know what this stuff is. We don't know who sent it or why it came up here with you. I mean for all we know this stuff could be a chemical." Newt replies.

"He's already dying. Look at him. How could this possible get any worse. Come on, its worth a try." Thomas begs.

"Newt." I rest my chin on his shoulder. He hums in my ear for response looking down at me.

"It helps him either way. Helps him out of his misery or make him better." I don't wanna put a strange liquid into Alby's body but what can we do.

"Alright. Do it." Newt hand Thomas the syringe but his eyes never leave mine.

We all gather around Alby as Thomas kneels down to inject the syringe. He hesitates and looks up to us as we nod for him to continue. Alby suddenly sits up pulling Thomas on top of him. Yelling and shouting he shouldn't be here.

"Hod him." Newt commands.

Teresa and I grab Alby's arms. Clint and Jeff hold down his legs. Newt tries to pry Alby's fingers off of Thomas. Alby snarls like a wild animal scaring me.

"Get the syringe." Thomas hollered.

Teresa runs to get the syringe leaving me holding Alby down but he is so strong. I get pushed into the wall and land on my wrist. I really need to get it checked out again.

"Ember." Newt calls out.

"Inject him now." I hold my arm to my chest cradling it. I squeeze my eyes shut hoping the pain will go away. The thrashing and growling came to a stop. I look up and see Teresa pulling the syringe out.

"Well that worked." Jeff says wary.

"Ok. From now on, someone stays here and watches him around the clock." Newt walks over and picks me up.

"Sun down greenie. Time to go." Gally's voice echoes. When did he get here? Thomas walks out the door and Gally still stands there, his eyes meet mine.

"I'm sorry Ember for what I said earlier." I nod my head as he leaves. I turn to Newt giving him a confused look.

"When you left I yelled at Gally to apologize. Also since Thomas broke the rule he is going to the slammer for the night with no food. He will be a runner starting tomorrow." He kisses my forehead.

After Jeff wraps my wrist, Newt and I head to his room. Teresa, Jeff and Clint agree that they will take turns watching Alby for the night. Slipping my shoes off and unbraiding my hair, my body finally meets the haystack mattress. Newt lays down with me as I crawl up into his shoulder.

"Ever since I first saw you. When the box came up I was searching for a guy but instead I found this beautiful girl scared but curious. I knew she was going to change my life. But I never had the courage to tell her how I felt. We were good friends actually, best friends." Newt laughs lightly.

"We would go into the maze alone covering the sections, we race the other, joking and just enjoying each others company. Later on I found out she started to date this douchebag. I knew she liked him. It broke my heart and I lost the girl." He hesitates to tell me the next part.

"One day, I went into the maze alone. I am a sad, lonely, and useless person to the glade. So I climbed up the vine wall of the maze thinking if I jumped, no one will miss me and I could end it all. Not even the girl. But then I thought this is selfish of me, I'm still her best friend and I can be there for her. I tried to step back from the ledge but I slipped and fell.." I had tears in my eyes.

"I landed on my leg wrong and now I have this limp when I walk. I was asleep in a coma for a week. That girl stayed with me all day and all night long. till the med-jacks told her to shower and eat. From what I heard, she would sleep right next to me and hold my hand. She fought the med-jacks because they told her to leave." He chuckled.

"She still was fighting the med-jacks when I woke up from the coma. She even threaten them with a machete. She never left me until I forced her too. As the days go by she would leave to eat and shower then come back. When she returned I noticed bruising forming up her arms and wrist. I would ask her where they came from but she always said she fell or tripped. One day she came in crying having a busted lip, broken ribs and a concussion. Told everyone she fell out of the hammock. When I started to walk again. I got second in charge. I checked on everyone and saw the girl being pinned to the wall by the douchebag. I was about to step in but he let go and ran off. I never forgot that day. I wanted to hold that girl tight and tell her I will protect her. I knew what was going on, I just didn't say anything."

"I finally realized that I love this girl. I will watch over her and care for her no matter what." He smiles down at me I set up and kissed him gently both of my hands cupping his face. His hands caressed my waist. I let go and rest my forehead on his.

"Em, I want to try something." Newt hesitated.

"Whats that?" I asked. The next thing I knew, Newt was on top kissing me. It was not forceful but it was like he needed this. He needed more.

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