rabbies again

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I wake up at dawn ready for my morning run. I look over to Ben's hammock and it was empty, he must have already went off. I grab my go bag and head out with Minho. I should take the short cuts today since it's my day off. I want to run for a little bit then go back. I need to clear my head.

"Minho you seen Ben this morning?" I asked as we pass section 4.

"No, I was going to ask you that." He looks puzzled at me.

"His hammock was empty when I woke up. Maybe he is already out here or hanging out with Scott today."

"Maybe. Why are you even out here? It's your day off." He questions me.

"I needed to run. You know how I am in that glade. I need a break." I huff.

"Don't we all. Hey how did you get that bruise on your cheek? It wasn't there yesterday." Minho looks closer a me.

"I'm heading to section 5. You take 7 and meet at 8." I change the subject.

"Ok." Minho hesitates. He looks at me worried. I turn left so he won't ask anymore questions.

Don't get me wrong Minho is a good friend to me and cares, but if he found out Ben hurts me he will confront him. Ben will get mad resulting me getting hurt again. I didn't realize Ben hit me that hard to cause a bruise. This will be difficult to explain. As I finish up my section I meet Minho at section 8. He was already waiting for me, we zoom towards the entrance and see Newt gardening with Zart. I guess Thomas is on garden duty today, but where is he? I jog up to Zart and Newt.

"Hello fellas, planting pretty flowers for me?" I smirk.

"Just for you milady." Zart bows his head. I giggle at his act.

"Such a kind gentleman you are Zart." We stop what we are doing as the greenie, I mean Thomas screams for help.

"Thomas?" I said. He scurries out of the forest with Ben hot on his heels. Everyone still standing there trying to figure out what is going on.

"Ben?!" I shout as I dash towards the boys. Thomas falls to the ground and Ben climbs on top of him.

"I'll kill you!" Ben spits.

"Ben stop. Get off of him." I try to yank him off of Thomas but he elbows me in the face with my lip busted and my nose burning. He then shoves me on the ground. Ben is still trying to choke Thomas out.

"Ember!" Newt yells. He grabs the shovel and whacks Ben.

I sit up on the ground feeling the blood trickling down my nose. Hurts like hell but it's the last of my worries. Thomas shuffles to his feet standing up. I look at Ben more closely veins popping out, bruising, cuts, blood, mud and dirt everywhere. He's pale and his skin is turning like a greenish purplish white.

"Hold him down." Newt commands. Some gladers grab him.

"Calm down Ben." Gally shushes Ben's whimpers.

"Yo what the hell happened?" Frypan shrieked.

"He just attacked me." Thomas exclaimed.

"Did he get rabbies again?" Chuck tried to be funny but Gally glares at him. The boys make room for Alby to join us. He walks over to me and leans down.

"You good?"

"Good, just a couple of bumps here and there." I wipe the blood from my nose. He then walks over to Ben examines him head to toe.

"Alright lift the shirt. Lift the shirt." Alby urged.

As they lift his shirt all you can see we're veins of different colors surrounding the wound, Ben was stung. Alby kneels down to Ben. I don't speak. I don't cry. I don't feel anything. Should I?

"He's been stung. In the middle of the day?" Gally uttered.

Please. Please. Please. Just help me." Ben begs. He tries to look at me. His eyes plead for help. What's done is done, I can't do anything about it. My eyes dart to the ground.

"Put him in the pit. Alright, everyone come on help me." Alby and some of the gladers picks up Ben.

"No. No. No." Ben sputters thrashing his arms and legs to escape.

"Med-jack!" Newt calls out. Our eyes made contact for a few seconds then focused back on Ben.

"Stop. Please. Stop. Ember!" Ben shouts as they take him away. Everyone goes back to what they were doing. I sit their quietly by myself. Alone. Still in shock of this morning event.

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