the great escape

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We rushed out into the maze. Thomas leading us in the front Minho guiding the back I run next to Newt. Isn't the fastest but he is trying his best with the limp. We head to section 7 with a tunnel I have never seen before. What is this place? We slow down to a stop pushing our backs up against the wall before we enter the tunnel. I heard the griever making noises so I alert Thomas to stop. We poke our heads into the tunnel as we see a griever.

"Tommy. Griever." My voice hitch's.

"I know." He whispers back.

"Is it a griever?" Chuck ask.


"Take this Chuck. Stay behind us." Minho hands Chuck the device.

"Its ok just stick with me." Teresa ties her hair back.

"Em?" Chuck looks at me uncertain.

"Don't worry chucky I got you." He smiles at me.

"On our way through the door it will activate. Alright, we stay close we stick together. We get through this. We get out now or we die trying. Ready?" Thomas announces.

I grab Newts hand and he squeezes it back. We give each other a short sweet kiss.

"Be careful." He whispers.

"Always." I smile giving him one last kiss.

Everyone pulls out their weapon of choice Chuck hands me the machete. Oh how I missed this piece of art.

"Lets go." Thomas yells as we all charge into the tunnel with a griever on our radar. This will be fun.

I grab Chuck and try to push him through the chaos but Teresa swings her machete knocking the device out of his hand over to the edge.

"The key!" Chuck yells running out of my grasp.

"Chuck watch the edge." Teresa runs after him. I run after both of them. The sound of another griever echo's through the tunnel.

"Guys move away from the edge." I yell pulling them up.

"Pull me up. Pull me up." Chuck panics. The guys manage to get one griever down but two more are coming up.

"Get to the doorway!" I grab Teresa's machete and throw it at one of the grievers. I feel the grivers claw wrap around my body and lift me off the ground.

"Mom no!" Chuck yells running back to me.

"Ember!" I hear Newt yell he throws a spear at the greiever but doesn't phase it.

"Go Chuck get to the door!"

I grab my machete and stab the griever in the eye pulling it out and stabbing it again. As the griever lets go I hit the stone cold ground. I get up, grab my machete and dash to the door with Chuck. The rest of the guys run forward and take care of the grievers. We get to the wall, the device makes a weird ringing sound and walls rise up from the ground.

"It worked." Chuck cackled.

"Lets go." I push him forward with Teresa. We get to the end of the tunnel and Teresa starts banging on the wall.

"There has got to be away out. There must." She yells.

"The key." I take the key and move it. The wall scanned it and a red wheel popped up with different numbers.

"Its a code!" I yell out. Teresa runs out back to the guys.

"Thomas! There's a code. Eight numbers." She yells out.

As Minho yells out the numbers Teresa puts them in. I hear Newt yell out Minho's name. No not Minho. I run out and see see the griever on top of him. I throw my machete at the greiever but it doesn't phase him. Jeff runs out and stabs the griever with a spear letting Minho escape. The griever grabs Jeff and takes him away.

"Jeff!" I grab a spear and throw it at the griever that took Jeff.

Minho tells the rest of the sequence. We all back up into the tunnel, close to Teresa and Chuck. The wall start to shut as the grievers come nearer. The guys start pushing the spears into the grievers, trying to make sure that they stay out of the tunnel and we stay in. I get pulled into the tunnel falling on top of Newt as the wall slams shut.

"Hey." I smile.

"Hey." He chuckles out of breath.

We both stand up as a circular wall closes.

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