closed in no exit

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I wake up with movement in the bed. My hands grab onto Newt's arm. I look up at his brown eyes. He sits back down and hugs me.

"Its alright love. Im right here." He sooths me and I let go of the hug. He was now putting his shoes on.

"Where are you going?" I sit up rubbing the back of my neck. He finishes his shoes looking over at me.

"Minho and Alby are heading out to the maze and retracing Ben's foot steps. Going through his sections from where he was stung."

"Im going." I declared getting up braiding my hair back, Newt sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Ember that's not a good idea. You should stay with me today. We can teach the greenie. We are heading over to the slicers." I lace up my boots.

"Please Newt. I need to run. Clear my head out of all this going on. I know the sections he took. They can get done faster with me. Please."

"Fine. Your so stubborn. Just be careful."

"Always." I beam at him.

We both walk out and meet up with Alby and Minho. Newt explains to them my situation as I gather my go bag. They agreed and went to get their go bags. Newt hugs me then cups my face with his hands.

"I am serious, be careful. I can't loss you. Nothing stupid or reckless." His eyes burning into mine.

"I will try. You should know by now my middle name is reckless." I teased.

"I can believe it." He chuckles.

As the guys join us we take off into the maze. I make one last glance back at Newt. He waves at me and I smile down. We continue running until we making it to the parting of the sections, the outer ring. I stop them to figure out the plan.

"Alright boys. Ben took sections 6 & 7 last time. 6 should be closed today. I say we all check 7 together, we find nothing we separate to check the rest of the sections and head back. If we find something, Alby that's up to you. Let's get this done and over with. good that?" Alby nods.

"What if we see Ben?" Minho inquiries.

"He should be dead but if not he belongs to the maze. Ignore his presence. He is no glader. He is the enemy. He tries to attack defend yourself. That's all I have to say." He jestures to me I nod slowly.

"Section 7." We agreed.

After going through section 7 finding nothing it started to rain. Something was different. It has never rained before. I took section 5 and 8, Minho took 3 and 4. Alby took 2. We all meet at section 1 together. I finish my sections quickly and sit up against the painted red 1. After an hour Minho joins me we eat a little bit of our lunch. Alby should have been here by now. I know he isn't a runner but he only had one section.

"We should look for him. It will be dusk soon." We both stand up and jog to section 2. We found Alby but he was laying on the ground.

"Alby!" I screamed and slide on my knees sitting him up.

"Shuck." Minho hisses.

I lift his shirt up and he has been stung. Dont cry Ember. We can't leave him here but its not a good idea to take him back to the Glade. He will put everyone in danger. Alby's body twitches and launched at me. I kick him back so I can stand up but he grasp onto my leg and pulls me down climbing on top of me.

"Alby stop!" I yell trying to push him but he was too heavy for me. Minho comes to his senses and kicks Alby down knocking him unconcious.

"Thanks. What do you think we should do now?" He picks Alby up throwing him over his shoulder as I stand up.

"Lets take him back to the glade. Maybe he will survive the changing."

"Maybe." I mumbled. I know he won't make it. No one does. It breaks my heart to say this but Alby is going to die.

We are a minute away from the doors, as I feel the wind starting to pick up. We are not going to make it my head tells me. 30 seconds away and I see the entrance. The guys calling for us, motioning for us to run. Minho cries out in pain dropping Alby on the ground.

"Come on Minho." I shout.

I snatched up one of the legs and Minho gets the other as we drag Alby's puppet like body on the ground. The doors are half way closed. We won't make it. Newt telling us to hurry, I see his pleading eyes. Last time I will ever see them again.

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