revisiting our enemy

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I wake up to the sound of Jeff and Clint talking. I watch Newt, Minho and Thomas walking in. Alby's snarl echoes throughout the room. The changing. He is in so much pain I look away and see the girl still passed out. Newt sits on my bed beside me. I tried to sit up but pain shoots through my rest. I look at my hand and see it wrapped up in white cotton fabric.

"You scared me there love." He brushes the hair out of my face.

"Dehydrated is all." Clint hands me a canteen full of water and I down it all. The boys walk over to the girl.

"Jeff what's going on? What's the matter? Why won't she wake up?" Newt fires away.

"Hey man, I got my job the same way you did." They stare at her as Newt looks at Thomas.

"What, you recognize her?" He pushes forward.

"No." Thomas blurts out.

"Really cause she seems to recognize you." Newt snaps back. We all stare at Thomas. I try to get up but my legs wobble. Clint helps me gain my balance to stand.

"Newt calm down." I stumble towards him, wrapping my arms around his torso as his rest on my shoulders.

"What about the note?" Thomas changes the subject. Oooh he knows her. He has seen her somewhere.

"We will worry about the note later." Newt is getting so frustrated. Now that Alby is not capable of running the Glade. That makes Newt in charge.

"I think you should worry about it now." Thomas pestered.

"Thomas enough." I glare at him.

"We've got a lot to deal with at the moment."

"He's right Newt." Jeff sighs.

"The box isn't coming back up. How long do you think we can last?"

"No one said that. Lets not jump to conclusion. Lets just wait til she wakes up. Somebody has got some answers around here." Newt lays down the law. Thomas mutters something then runs off.

"Wait where are you going?" Newt ask.

"Back into the maze." Thomas calls from over his shoulder leaving. Minho runs out after him.

"I'm going to check things out. I'll let you know what we do." I let go of Newt and kiss his cheek running out to the guys. I stop right in front of them. Then it hits me. I kissed Newt. Well actually his cheek but what the hell Ember? God I'm so stupid.

"Whats the plan? You're going to go out there and dissect that thing all by yourself?" Minho questions Thomas.

"I will if I have too. Have the other runners left yet?"

"The other runners quit this morning. After Alby got stung Nd ember passed out. They didnt hurry to get back out there. Why are you?"

I look toward the builders and Scott with the other runners, correction used to be runners. They are traitors to me. I was born a runner.

"I think its time to find out what we are really up against." I agree.

"Alright but your not going out there alone." Minho stops him.

"Damn right. You will need me. Minho and i are the last runners. We will need more eyes out there too." I fold my arms across my chest.

"Meet us in the woods in half an hour." Minho runs off.

I head over near Newt to tell him the plans. He was watching over Alby now. Kind of scared if he says something about the kiss. Maybe it means nothing to him. My heart cracked at the thought of that. I shake my head and make the thoughts leave my mind, maybe it does mean something.

"Hey." He twist his body to face me extending his arms. I walk into them as we watch Alby. I hope he survives this.

"The plan is Minho, Thomas and I are examining the dead griever. Find out more about them. Did you know the other runners quit?" I mumbled into his chest.

"No I didn't, I will talk to them later. I don't like you going out there but it's your job. Be careful. Please. Not like last time where you stayed in the maze. I thought I lost you." I smiled into his chest. He does care.

"What do I have to do to get another kiss on the cheek?" He chuckles.

"Just ask." I lift my face up to look at him grinning down at me.

I move my face to kiss his stubbled check but instead I found soft, plump lips on mine. I open my eyes to be mirrored with his. I can see my blue eyes reflecting into his brown ones. I wrap my arms around his neck as his wrapped around my waist. It wasn't the rough, harsh, hurtful kiss Ben used to give me. This was sweet, caring, and nice. After a minute or two I let go to breathe. Newt rest his forehead against mine. I grin like an idiot.

"You don't understand how long I wanted to do that. I do it over and over again." He gushed.

"I have to go now to the maze. I will take a rain check on that kiss." I let go of him to see he was frowning.

"I will hold you to it." He insist.

"I know you will." Alby growls startling me but Newt soothes me.

"Go on love. Its ok." I nod my head and head out.

As I jog to the woods Newt runs through my mind. I enjoyed the kiss. He enjoyed the kiss. He has been wanting to do that for a while. If anyone sees the smile on my face they would think I'm crazy, they are probably right. I meet up with the guys and noticed Zart, frypan and Winston are coming. Winston's keeper of the slicers.

"Hey boys, are we ready?"

"Lets go." Thomas says.

We run into the maze with Minho, Thomas and I in the front. Frypan, Zart and Winston in the back. It's adorable how they try to keep up. You can tell that we are runners and they are not. We stopped in front of the dead griever. It's definitely squished in between the walls. The guts all smashed into the ground its legs poking out.

"Thats disgusting." Zart grumbles.

"Hey. There's something in there." Thomas examines it.

"You mean besides a griever pancake?" Frypan sasses.

"No i see it too. There." I point to it.

Minho steps up and sticks his hand through the wall. He moves around then one of the grievers legs curls up to the wall. Everyone jumps back scared.

"I thought you said it was dead?" Frypan stutters.

"Was it a reflex?" Zart questions.

"You hope."

"You scared?" I rolled my eyes.

"Come on. Let's try to pull it out. Alright ready?" We all grab that one leg that is still sticking out of the wall.

"On three. One. Two. Three." We all pull causing my wrist to hurt but the leg detaches itself from the body. We all fall to the ground. Struggling to get up, Minho picks up the blinking red light inside a stomach or gut thing. He looks at it trying to pull it out and finally grasp it as a device slides out. Dropping the stomach or gut thing. We get a better look at the device.

"What the hell is that?" Thomas wonders.

"Looks like a tracking device." I tilt my head sideways.

"How do you know what a tracking device looks like?" Thomas asked.

"I don't." I shake my head puzzled on how that came to my mind.

"Well whatever it is can we take this back to the glade? Cause I don't want to meet this guys friends." Frypan backs up with hands in the air.

"Told you, you are scared." I smirked as I run off, back to the doors.

"Wait for me!" Frypan yells, throwing my head back and laugh.

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